Home » A total of 129 cooperation projects have been signed at the closing of the Zhongguancun Forum-Qianlong.com.cn

A total of 129 cooperation projects have been signed at the closing of the Zhongguancun Forum-Qianlong.com.cn

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A total of 129 cooperation projects have been signed at the closing of the Zhongguancun Forum-Qianlong.com.cn

Original Title: A total of 129 cooperation projects were signed at the closing ceremony of the Zhongguancun Forum

Beijing Creates a City of Opportunities for Global Innovation and Entrepreneurs

The 2023 ZGC Forum with the theme of “Openness, Cooperation and Shared Future” closed yesterday. The event was successfully held and attracted widespread attention from all walks of life.Photo by reporter Pan Zhiwang

“I’m very happy to communicate with you in the form of people in the mirror.” When the voice and smile of Qian Xuesen, the founder of China’s aerospace industry and the meritorious scientist of “two bombs and one satellite”, appeared in front of the global audience, this artificial intelligence and other technologies restored The image of Qian Xuesen in the digital world moved everyone present.

Yesterday (30th), the 2023 Zhongguancun Forum closed. In the past 6 days, this global science and technology “reception room” has opened its doors to welcome guests. With the help of science and technology, people connect ancient and modern times with China and foreign countries, and seek human development and future together in agitated thinking.

Cutting-edge achievements usher in the “highlight” moment

Zhongguancun Exhibition Center, on the stage of the results conference, the hot spotlights and the frequent flashing lights focused on the same group of people. Gan Weiqun, chief scientist of the “Kuafu-1” satellite project and researcher at the Purple Mountain Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Huang Tiejun, director of Beijing Zhiyuan Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, and Li Jingyi, head of the High Energy Synchrotron Radiation Light Source Linear Accelerator at the Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences… A number of major scientific and technological achievements And the researchers behind it become the absolute protagonists on the stage.

In the past few days, cutting-edge scientific and technological achievements have ushered in a “highlight” moment. Multi-modal artificial intelligence models, ultra-low power consumption processor chips, ion trap quantum computers… Nearly a thousand latest achievements in cutting-edge fields such as quantum science, blockchain, high-end manufacturing, gene and cell therapy were showcased during the forum.

The frequent fruitful results of innovation are closely related to the efforts to deeply plant the “root” of innovation. Among the many hard-core technologies that have become eye-catching “top-tier” during the forum, the achievements from Beijing have become a key force.

“I hope that the results of Zhiyuan’s large-scale model will allow general artificial intelligence to accelerate into thousands of industries and thousands of households.” Huang Tiejun introduced that during the forum, the general segmentation model SegGPT released by Zhiyuan Research Institute will allow robots to have human-like general visual ability. In 2018, Zhiyuan Research Institute, a new research and development institution focusing on artificial intelligence, original innovation and core technology, was established. In October 2020, Zhiyuan established a large-scale model research and development team. After five months of research and development, it launched the Wudao large-scale model, becoming the earliest organization in my country to systematically deploy large-scale model technology.

“Apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree. Basic research and original innovation are most likely to fall where it is supported,” said Wang Xiaodong, director of the Beijing Institute of Biological Sciences.

In Beijing, new R&D institutions rely on new management models such as new operating mechanisms, financial support policies, and performance evaluation systems to give researchers greater autonomy, more flexible management models, and more precise resource support. The “apple trees” that breed cutting-edge innovations are deeply planted here and gradually grow up.

“Last year, China filed 70,000 international patent applications, four times that of ten years ago. Today, nearly 80% of the world‘s intellectual property applications come from Asia, Africa, and Latin America, and two-thirds of them come from China.” World Intellectual Property Daren Tang, Director-General of the organization, said that China’s innovation achievements and scientific and technological progress have attracted the attention of the world.

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Science and technology innovation forces gather in the city of opportunities

“The Zhongguancun Forum is like a signal amplifier, allowing our boron neutron capture therapy technology to gain attention from all walks of life.” The Zhongguancun International Technology Trading Conference is an important part of the Zhongguancun Forum. Regarding the continuous participation in the conference, Guoke Neutron Medical Ma Chuangxin, general manager of Technology Co., Ltd., said with emotion.

In recent days, Nuocheng Jianhua also made its debut at the 2023 Zhongguancun Forum with two innovative drugs under research. This is the third consecutive year that the company has participated in the Zhongguancun Forum. In 2015, the new shoots of innovation in the Chinese pharmaceutical market have just begun to germinate. There are a large number of unmet clinical needs in the market, and patients have been longing for innovative drugs for a long time. In the same year, Shi Yigong, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Dr. Cui Jisong established Nuocheng Jianhua in Beijing. Why choose Beijing as the birthplace of the company? “Because Beijing has the four elements that entrepreneurs need: talent, capital, industry, and policy.” said Zheng Huiming, Senior Director of Public Affairs of InnoCare Healthcare.

Through the big stage of the Zhongguancun Forum, Beijing has created many opportunities for global scientific and technological innovation forces to integrate, collide, communicate and cooperate, and has also become a “city of opportunities” for global innovation and entrepreneurs. According to incomplete statistics, during the forum, a total of 129 cooperation projects were signed, with a contract value exceeding 81 billion yuan; 152 investment promotion projects were announced, with an estimated total investment of more than 143 billion yuan.

Sing the “harmony” of international cooperation

“A few years ago, the concept of ‘shared future’ was difficult to resonate with, but now it is an undeniable fact.” Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft, said in a video speech.

Strengthening scientific and technological exchanges and cooperation to solve common development problems is an important theme of the ZGC Forum. At this forum, international scientific and technological innovation forces made a concentrated appearance, and more than 50 foreign experts and scholars delivered keynote speeches, including 16 winners of the Nobel Prize, Fields Medal, and Turing Award, presidents of 5 national engineering academies including the United States and the United Kingdom, and The president of the African Academy of Sciences and other foreign academicians; among the 560 speakers in the parallel forum, foreign guests accounted for more than 40%. During the forum, more than 200 foreign organizations and institutions participated in various activities of the forum, 165 foreign-funded enterprises participated in the exhibition, 49 foreign-funded R&D centers were awarded licenses, 5 international scientific and technological organizations announced their landing, and the participation of international institutions and enterprises further increased. It has become a scientific and technological innovation “reception room” linking global wisdom.

“The Zhongguancun Forum not only demonstrates China’s firm commitment to promoting global openness, innovation, exchanges and cooperation, but also allows the world to see the huge potential of China’s high-quality development driven by technological innovation.” Wang Haibin, Executive Vice President of Siemens (China) Co., Ltd. With emotion, China, a fertile ground for innovation, provides a wealth of landing scenarios for cutting-edge technologies, and it also makes him feel that China is moving from the world‘s factory to the world‘s “innovation field”.

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