Home » Alleged time traveler warns of an alien invasion this March 23

Alleged time traveler warns of an alien invasion this March 23

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Alleged time traveler warns of an alien invasion this March 23

The TikTok user known as “The Time Traveler” has raised concern and skepticism in recent weeks over his predictions, which range from catastrophic earthquakes to a supposed alien invasion in 2023.

According to this user, this Thursday, March 23, a massive abduction of around 8,000 people will take place to be taken to another habitable planet and thus save humanity from a hostile alien species that comes to recover Earth.

However, this is not the first time that the “Time Traveler” has made predictions that do not come true. In October 2022, he warned that a star would explode on November 22, which it did not. In addition, he has made other predictions, such as the arrival of a new virus in 2024 that would cause another pandemic.

Despite the inconsistencies in his predictions, the “Time Traveler” has more than 350,000 followers on TikTok, who follow his videos with great interest and concern about the possible catastrophes he mentions.

Some users have exposed inconsistencies in their theories and have questioned their credibility. For now, all that remains is to wait and see if any of his predictions will come true in the future.

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