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And now they’re all whining

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And now they’re all whining

I think the culprits behind the current crisis in our country are pretty easy to identify. These are all those who voted for the CDU, SPD, FDP, Greens and Left.

Anyone who complains today needs to take a look at themselves and address their own wrongdoing.

It must have been clear to anyone who is fully conscious since 2015 that immigration from Islamic countries cannot work.

Today, CDU voters are primarily responsible for the anti-Semitism of the new people given to us, but also those from the SPD, FDP, Greens and Left.

And it was actually clear even without Russia’s attack on Ukraine that our energy transition couldn’t work and would only lead to price increases. The consequences have only become more serious because of the war, our sanctions and the rule of the Greens.

However, the original guilt lies in the CDU’s insane nuclear phase-out and the same party’s disregard of all asylum regulations.

And it also became clear in time before the federal election in 2021 that wokeness and cancel culture are destroying social peace and messing up the brain.

However, I want to make the only exception here, because the fact that the FDP would be affected by this social epidemic to such an extent was probably the only thing that the voters could not have known beforehand.

I am even of the opinion that before the 2021 federal election, citizens must have been clearer about what was coming than in the 1933 Reichstag election.

Which of course doesn’t mean that something like that back then will happen now. But I have always found it quite incomprehensible and also unfair to what extent the voters of that time were stigmatized. Because they could sense what was coming, but they didn’t know it.

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Today, however, voters should have known what was going to happen.

For me it would therefore also be appropriate if the cartel parties of the de facto almost all-party government would now place a bouquet of flowers on Pegida’s grave and finally give up the boycott of the only opposition party.

But of course that won’t happen, I know. After all, today’s politicians don’t make mistakes, so they don’t have to admit any. And in the worst case, they simply forget what happened before.

So nothing is processed, nothing at all. It seems as if this country, Germany, has completely exhausted its capacity to come to terms with National Socialism for all time.

And not only exhausted, there was also a solid connection between coming to terms with it and the Nazis. Because there is no reappraisal today without someone being exposed as a supposed Nazi in the end.

Which of course perfectly explains why there is no reappraisal of Corona and there will be none. Because that would mean that the result would have to be National Socialist actions and thinking.

And of course that doesn’t work. After all, the AfD wasn’t even in government.

Bernd Niquet

[email protected]

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