Home » Apple develops a new version of its virtual reality glasses – EntornoInteligente

Apple develops a new version of its virtual reality glasses – EntornoInteligente

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Apple develops a new version of its virtual reality glasses – EntornoInteligente

The company has reportedly canceled its plans to manufacture a low-cost version of the Vision Pro lenses

The lenses of augmented reality y virtual reality of Apple They are not officially on sale yet and will not be until the first months of 2024, but even so the company would have started the development of a new version of the product. This was stated by the analyst Ming-Chi Kuowho assures that the new device is not a version of low costbut a more advanced one. You may be interested in: Criminals can steal biometric information through virtual and augmented reality

According to the Apple expert, the new Vision Pro will have a lower production than expected (one million) and instead would have shipments of at most 600.000 units worldwide. This would have caused the company to cancel (at least temporarily) the option to produce a version.no Pro” Of the device.

The problem for the company and this product in particular would be the price assigned to the mixed reality glasses ($3,500 according to the official announcement). “Unless the price of Vision Proincreasing production by 2025 will not be possible,” says Kuo.

Although the first version of the Apple Vision Pro will not have a really positive reception according to analyst estimates, the company Cupertino would already be dedicating resources to the development of an improved version that would not see the light of day until next year 2027 how much less.

Apple Vision Pro

The deadline could move even further into the future if the company fails to improve the design, hardware and software of the glasses. You may be interested in: Meta Connect 2023: Quest 3, artificial intelligence and more topics for the big event

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Kuo believes that the key to future success for the Vision Pro It will be in how Apple will convince users that they need this spatial computing device and not just that the experience when using the product is good. This could take a while, so over the next few years the company should direct its efforts towards that goal, especially if the objective is for this device to have a reception proportional to that of the iPhone o Apple Watch when they were released.

What the Vision Pro mixed reality glasses will be like

Vision Pro glasses Apple they will not be clearly virtual reality o augmented reality, but you will be able to use both modes in a regulated manner. The viewfinder control will be a crown in the style of the Apple Watch which will be located on the side of the viewer and will adjust how immersive the experience will be for users. You may be interested in: What is iOS 17’s adaptive audio for and how to install it

On the other hand, unlike needing a remote control like other products, users can use simple gestures with their fingers to activate and navigate through the different Applications available.

Apple has reportedly canceled its plans to make a low-cost version of the Vision Pro glasses. (AP Photo/Jeff Chiu)

A “pinch” allows you to click on the virtual screen, while sliding your hands up or down allows you to scroll through the various menus. According to Tim CookCEO of the company, this allows people to make subtle movements to improve the experience when using the device.

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Because glasses are a way of seeing the world through augmented reality, Apple has developed the feature called “Vision Sight”, which allows other people to see the user’s eyes without having to remove their glasses, thus improving social interaction and communication instead of isolating them.

This function will not make the lenses translucent, but rather the external screen will emit a projection of what is happening inside the lenses at that moment.

About entertainment and leisure functions, Bob IgerCEO of Disney announced that the content of its platform, Disney+, will be available to users of Vision Pro since the first day. In addition, you will have dedicated and exclusive experiences for Apple glasses.

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