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Approved debt project for Neiva

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Approved debt project for Neiva

After ten hours of debate, the Neiva Council approved the debt project for $25,500 million pesos to the Neiva Mayor’s Office. The resources will go to sewage improvement projects, improvement of the road network, among others.


By Maria Camila Mosquera

With eleven votes in favor, seven against, and one absentee, they empowered the Municipal Government for the debt project for 25,500 million pesos.

The debate began at 8 o’clock in the morning. There, a document filed by the Attorney General’s Office was read as a result of the preventive action that it instituted before the Council of Neiva, where the board of directors headed by the President of the corporation, Iván Cangrejo Torres, was urged to explain in detail, if when the project was debated in the second budget commission, the provisions of the corporation’s internal regulations regarding the publication of the paper on the website were complied with.

“The important thing is that the debate could be brought to a successful conclusion, regardless of whether it had been archived or approved, in this case it was approved, the important thing is that it could be chaired, all the guarantees could be delivered so that all the councilors , the officials, the community intervened and in this way there was only an impasse in the morning, but this was not transcendental,” said the president of the corporation.

The Neiva Council corporation in full, debated in depth, the Project Agreement No. 002 of 2023 “by means of which the mayor of Neiva is authorized to contract public credit operations to finance strategic projects of the development plan Citizen Mandate, Territory of Life and Peace 2020-2023″, whose speaker was the councilor for the Liberal party Luis Alejandro Serna.

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More than 10 hours were necessary to debate the project that grants the mayor of Neiva powers to contract credit operations for up to 25,500 million pesos and that has generated heated debate in public opinion.


The positive votes were in charge of the councilors Jesús Garzón, Humberto Vargas, Iván Cangrejo, Alejandro Serna (speaker), Deiby Martínez, Victoria Castro, Jaime Unda Celada, Jorge Eduardo Ramírez, Néstor Iván Rodríguez, Margot Useche and Jorge Morán.

For their part, the negative votes were from Germán Casagua, Lourdes Mateus, Amín Losada, Juan Diego Amaya, Johan Steed Ortiz, Camilo Perdomo and Juan Carlos Parada.


Treasury Secretary Jaime Ramírez said he welcomes the decision, after a long discussion about the feasibility and legality of the project.

“Our appreciation to the Council of Neiva that in a long and extensive decision that began at eight in the morning, has ended up giving approval to the second and last debate on the debt of 25,500 million pesos that we presented as an administration,” said the official.

Councilor Casagua resigned

At the end of the plenary session, councilor Germán Casagua, who joined the corporation this period due to the opposition statute, addressed himself publicly to present the resignation of his dignity as Neiva councilor.

“Today a very important decision has been made where I believe that more than generating a development of the municipality, it deepens the crisis that the city has been suffering, which makes me take a step forward to continue working for my municipality with great responsibility, but we will follow them. doing from other scenarios”, he concluded.

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