Home » At 180 km/h on the B1: the car driver raced away from the police

At 180 km/h on the B1: the car driver raced away from the police

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At 180 km/h on the B1: the car driver raced away from the police

One can only speak of luck that nobody was injured, according to the police officers: With his daring driving style, a 26-year-old car driver in the Lambach area endangered several road users. The young man – he does not have a valid driver’s license and was driving a car that is not registered for traffic – was caught by the police on Monday night on the B1 near Gunskirchen.

At 100 km/h through the local area

He only seemed to react to the clear stop signals from the police officers: At first he steered his car to the right edge of the lane, but only to then suddenly turn around and flee at high speed. The officers followed the car with flashing lights and a follow-up horn. Unfazed by this, the young driver disobeyed “all traffic regulations,” according to the police report. He accelerated his car to more than 100 km/h in the local area and reached speeds of more than 180 km/h on the B1.

Ten kilometer chase

Due to the high speed, the night drive was only partially maintained. The chase lasted about ten kilometers until visual contact was finally lost in the municipal area of ​​Edt near Lambach. A search in the vicinity was initially unsuccessful, and the check of the license plates did not lead the officials to the driver, since they were actually registered to another car.

Impaired by Drugs

In the meantime, the driver could be researched and on Friday evening in the municipality of Redlham (Vöcklabruck district), the police said on Saturday. He showed symptoms of drug impairment and was therefore examined by a doctor who determined that he was unfit to drive. In addition, the suspect does not have a valid driver’s license because it had already been revoked. In addition, his car was not registered for traffic – the misused license plates were removed.

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But that’s not all: the officers found drugs and drug paraphernalia in the car. A total of dozens of administrative violations are reported to the Wels-Land and Vöcklabruck district authorities. With regard to the endangerment of physical safety and violations due to the Narcotic Substances Act, reports are made to the public prosecutor’s office in Wels.


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