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Believers Return to Guadalajara for Holy Convocation Celebration

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Believers Return to Guadalajara for Holy Convocation Celebration

Believers Return to Guadalajara to Celebrate Holy Convocation After Four-Year Absence

In a show of faith and devotion, parishioners of the Light of the World church gathered in Guadalajara to celebrate the sacrament, the most important religious event of the annual holy convocation. The ceremony, which took place in the main headquarters located around the temple of the beautiful province, was attended by hundreds of fervent believers.

For the past four years, the church had been unable to hold the convocation physically due to the COVID-19 crisis. However, this year, thanks to the easing of restrictions and the improved health situation, the faithful were able to assemble once again. Eliezer Gutierrez Avelar, the international minister of Social Communication and Public Relations of the Church, emphasized the significance of this gathering and the gratitude felt by the members.

“We had to celebrate it remotely supported by digital platforms. Finally, we return to thank God because he allows us to meet in peace, safely, in an atmosphere of tranquility, and that we can meet at this moment as significant as the Lord’s Supper,” Gutierrez Avelar explained.

The event, which began on August 9, has been a momentous occasion for the church. Gutierrez Avelar highlighted the importance of the convocation and its universal message of belonging and clarity, which transcends race, gender, and social status.

“It is a moment of great devotion. Finding ourselves here in a group where we feel included by a fraternity of faith, without distinction of race, gender, social condition, the gospel message is universal and manages to respond to the expectations of many people who want to find that spirit of belonging, clarity, and through a message that has been valid since the Lord brought him to Earth,” he stated.

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The Holy Convocation 2023 program featured the participation of over 900 ministers in 18 different venues. These ministers touched upon various topics of spiritual and social formation, catering to different age groups. This tradition of the convocation dates back to 1931, making it a significant cultural heritage event for the city as well as the church.

As the ceremony comes to an end, the Light of the World church expresses its joy and gratitude for their successful gathering after such a hiatus. The members hope that their faith and devotion continue to inspire and unite people from all walks of life in the years to come.


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