Home » Bills: in the two-year period 2021-2022 on electricity and gas stanged from +1,231 euros per family (+ 93%)

Bills: in the two-year period 2021-2022 on electricity and gas stanged from +1,231 euros per family (+ 93%)

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Bills: in the two-year period 2021-2022 on electricity and gas stanged from +1,231 euros per family (+ 93%)

The expensive energy weighs more and more on the pockets of Italians. Today, every Italian family finds itself paying 1,231 euros more than in 2020 only for electricity and gas bills, with energy costs increasing overall by + 92.7% in the two-year period 2021-2022. The data comes from Assoutenti, which has carried out a study on the impact of the increase in energy tariffs on the pockets of consumers.

The comparison over the three years

In 2020, an average family spent 785 for gas, 542 euros for electricity, for a total of 1,327 euros – analyzes Assoutenti – In 2021, due to the sharp increases started in the last quarter of the year, the gas reached € 1,162 per unit, € 802 for electricity (for a total of € 1,964 per family). In 2022, due to the increase in tariffs and despite the measures adopted by the Government, the total expenditure for energy rises to 2,558 euros per household (1,516 euros for gas, 1,042 euros for electricity).

In the two-year period 2021-2022 over 1,200 euros more for gas and electricity compared to 2020

This means – explains Assoutenti – that in the two-year period 2021-2022 each single family paid a total of 1,231 euros more than in 2020 (+ 92.7%) for gas and electricity supplies (+731 for gas, +500 euros for the light), an account that could further aggravate in October, when Arera will announce the updates of the tariffs for the last period of the year.

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Forecasts for 2023

And the association’s forecasts for 2023 are anything but optimistic: «Analysts announce tensions on energy prices that will continue into the new year – explains the president Furio Truzzi -. Considering the current strong rise in electricity and gas prices, in the absence of a national or European block of tariffs and effective counter measures, in 2023 the bill for energy supplies could reach 5,266 euros per family: 3,052 euros for the gas bill, 2,214 euros for the electricity bill, with an increase in energy expenditure of + 300% compared to 2020 ».

The proposal: to find resources from the extra-profits of energy companies

What to do? According to the consumer association, “the Government must absolutely avoid the massacre that is about to fall on the pockets of consumers and businesses, and must find the necessary resources to counter the expensive bills through the 40 billion euros of extra profits generated by companies. energy ”, concludes Truzzi.

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