Home » breaking latest news of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s plan to promote the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta – Important News – Kaifeng.com

breaking latest news of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s plan to promote the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta – Important News – Kaifeng.com

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efficient allocation of resources, and promote high-quality development of the entire region,” General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out.

He emphasized that the ultimate goal is to build a new development pattern in which the domestic and international dual circulations promote each other, with the domestic circulation as the mainstay. This new development pattern will further integrate the Yangtze River Delta, give full play to its comprehensive advantages, and drive the economic development of the entire region.

The integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta is not only a major national strategy but also an important part of China’s overall modernization drive and all-round opening up. With the guidance and support of General Secretary Xi Jinping, the region will continue to play a leading role in promoting higher-quality integrated development and become a strong and active growth pole for the country’s development.

The symposium chaired by General Secretary Xi Jinping in Shanghai on November 30 is another significant step in promoting the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta. His vision, guidance, and unwavering commitment will continue to shape the future of the region, making it a model area for high-quality development and a new highland for reform and opening up.

Under the leadership of General Secretary Xi Jinping, the Yangtze River Delta is on the path to realizing its potential as a leading area that takes the lead in basically realizing modernization and a demonstration area for regional integrated development. With concerted efforts and a clear vision, the region is set to achieve a new chapter in Chinese-style modernization.

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The integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, driven by General Secretary Xi Jinping’s strategic insight and unwavering commitment, promises to elevate the region to new heights, creating a modern economic system, and promoting deepening reform and opening up. As the region continues to develop and grow, it will complement other major development initiatives, such as the Belt and Road Initiative and the Greater Bay Area, contributing to the spatial layout of China’s reform and opening up.

The integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta has become a national strategy under the leadership of General Secretary Xi Jinping. With his decisive actions, strategic vision, and steadfast commitment, the region is poised to achieve a new situation in integrated development. This symposium marks another milestone in the region’s journey towards becoming a strong and active growth pole for national development, in line with General Secretary Xi Jinping’s strategic direction.

The Yangtze River Delta region, with General Secretary Xi Jinping’s guidance and support, will continue to rise as a key driver of China’s modernization and all-round opening up. As the region integrates its development into the overall coordinated development, it will achieve a new level of synergy, playing a crucial role in China’s domestic and international dual circulations. With General Secretary Xi Jinping as its guiding force, the region is set to build a new development pattern that will further integrate the Yangtze River Delta, driving high-quality development and economic growth for the entire region.

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