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Care to be taken with furry ones

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Care to be taken with furry ones

Dogs are one of the most popular pets in the world due to their love, fidelity, and company. However, having a dog at home also implies a great responsibility, since these animals need specific care to stay healthy and happy. Here we present some of the most important care to be taken with dogs:

They need an adequate and balanced diet, which means it is important to choose a high-quality food and provide the right portions according to their size and level of physical activity. In addition, it is important to avoid giving dogs toxic foods such as chocolate, grapes, onion or garlic, as they can be harmful to their health.

They need daily exercise to stay fit and healthy, it is advisable to take them for a walk at least twice a day, and provide them with physical and mental activities to avoid boredom and stress. In addition, it is important to protect them from extreme heat or intense cold, since they can suffer from health problems such as heat stroke or hypothermia.

It is important to maintain the hygiene of dogs, it involves brushing their coat regularly to avoid tangles and keep it shiny and healthy, as well as bathing them regularly with products suitable for their skin and coat. It is also important to clean your ears, trim your nails, and brush your teeth to prevent health problems such as infections or dental disease.

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They need regular medical attention, taking them to the vet for annual checkups and vaccinations, and to treat any health problems they may have. Also, it is important to prevent and treat fleas, ticks, and other parasites that can affect your health.

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Provide dogs with a safe and comfortable environment, offer them a comfortable place to sleep, toys to entertain themselves, and protect them from stressful situations such as loud noises or situations that generate fear or anxiety.

Owning a dog comes with great responsibility, but it also offers great rewards. By taking proper care of our furry friends, we can ensure that they are healthy, happy, and provide us with love and companionship for many years to come.

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