Home » Chiaverano, the two faces of Sirio between volunteers rich in civic sense and those who gross or break

Chiaverano, the two faces of Sirio between volunteers rich in civic sense and those who gross or break

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Trip to the lakeside among the many lake users. Paitta restored after vandalism, toilets closed due to dirt

CHIAVERANO. There are two realities at this end of the bathing season on the shores of Lake Sirio, one negative and one decidedly positive. The negative aspect concerns the nasty vandalism suffered by the Piatta, where 36 of the boards that make up the flooring were uprooted a fortnight ago. The bad conditions of the toilets above the picnic area are included in the package of negative things, where the “imagination” of the users has left almost indelible traces in the toilets and on the walls of the stalls. Not enough, many people, now that they are closed, use the back of the building to do their physiological needs and to throw waste.

“Two unfortunate situations to remedy which the administration immediately activated,” says the deputy mayor of Chiaverano Maurizio Tentarelli. «Not without effort and commitment we managed to coordinate and carry out the necessary interventions to return the Piatta, in a short time, to the bathers. As far as services are concerned, we have decided to keep them closed and we are studying suitable measures to prevent the recurrence of similar damage ». The positive reality is that the season in the Sirio camper parking area is giving satisfaction, recording a constant influx of tourists. The takeover by the Municipality of Chiaverano of the area is guaranteeing a quality of service and maintenance capable of attracting more and more vacationers.

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It is always Tentarelli who reports: «We receive positive feedback from campers to whom we submit a questionnaire on the satisfaction of the stay. They come from all over Italy and also from abroad, demonstrating that the careful and willing work of the municipal administration is bearing fruit. You can access all year round, 24 hours a day, using an automatic cash desk located at the entrance where you can also register ».

Luciano Cuzziol, owner of the Il Sole restaurant and pizzeria, located at the entrance to the rest area, also expressed his enthusiasm: «There is an excellent relationship of collaboration with the Municipality of Chiaverano. Tourists have increased and not a little because they like the tranquility they find here. My restaurant is also fortunate to have an outdoor area with almost a hundred seats which allows us to avoid the problems associated with the obligation to show the Green pass ».

One of the faces of this success is represented by the young people of the civil service. Two of them, Paolo Ruzza and Riccardo Gregori, talk about their commitment: «During the week, when the flow of visitors is lower, we take care of the maintenance necessary to prepare the area for the weekend. We are also a constant point of reference for customers, who we assist in the entry procedures and for any information and needs during their holiday. Finally, we take care of the preparation of posters and the publication of posts on social media to promote events created by the municipality, associations and individuals ». Alex Stan and Francesca Giai are two campers from Settimo Torinese who have long been in love with this oasis on the shores of Lake Sirio. “This place offers many easy-to-use services next to each other and this space dedicated to campers is nice and quiet,” they say in unison. “We could have toured Italy and instead we chose the peace of these stalls and the serenity that this lake infuses, whose crystal clear waters invite you to bathe”.

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