Home » Children who played with the Ouija board presented strange symptoms

Children who played with the Ouija board presented strange symptoms

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Children who played with the Ouija board presented strange symptoms

There is alarm among the educational community of the municipality of Timbiquí, on the Pacific coast of Cauca, and parents of the behavioral symptoms presented by 36 children from an institution who apparently played with the Ouija board.

The Secretary of Education of Cauca, Amarildo Correa, confirmed that the minors, after playing this game, presented psychological disorders and strange behaviors, as well as seizures.

Faced with this situation, several of those affected were treated at a Timbiquí care center, while others were taken by their parents to the parish of this town.

The hospital shortly after presented a report indicating that the minors recovered from the disorder they suffered and were discharged.

According to the rector of the San Francisco educational institution, Emilio Balanta, some girls began to register strange behaviors and convulsions and were helped by their classmates so that they would not hit each other.

Balanta stated that “it is an unusual phenomenon that occurred. The children tried to struggle and then it was someone else who was infected with the situation ”.

The rector indicated that “there is no explanation of what happened. Some say it was because of that table and others that it was because of a game they got on the Internet. Those are the versions, but nobody can verify it”.

The case

In a video made by the same teaching community and parents, students can be seen convulsing on the floor, while family members prayed and sprayed them with holy water to calm them down.

According to versions of the same students, apparently the minors involved downloaded an application from a mobile device, very similar to the Ouija board.

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The foregoing, health professionals reported, could generate a psychological impact that also affected them physically.

From the Secretary of Education of Cauca, a piece of peace of mind was delivered about the health of the students and parents were asked to be aware of the minors.

“We are asking parents, administrators and teachers to be aware of students to avoid this type of event,” said Amarildo Correa, Secretary of Education for the department.

The secretariat reported that the educational authorities of the school, in coordination with psychologists and health professionals, continue to provide support to students and their families to mitigate emotional disorders.

On the other hand, parents also called on educational institutions to exercise greater control over the activities carried out by minors during the time within their schools.

As will be remembered, the Ouija board is an instrument widely used by people who are engaged in the practice of spiritualism, apparently to contact deceased people or even demons.

Other people suggest that the results of this activity are the product of the consumption of psychoactive substances or mental disorders.

There are already several schools in different regions of the country where this type of situation has had to be faced.


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