Home » Clust-ER Health ottiene la eucles silver label — Imprese

Clust-ER Health ottiene la eucles silver label — Imprese

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Clust-ER Health ottiene la eucles silver label — Imprese

Prestigious recognition for the management of Clust-ER Health internationally thanks topositive outcome in the evaluation by the team of European secretariat for cluster analysis (Bait). After a thorough analysis of the objectives and the goals achieved to date since 2020the year in which Clust-ER Health obtained the bronze labelhave been recognized i remarkable progress performed in all areas examined.

An incentive for continuous improvement

Sauro ViciniClust-ER Health manager underlined that “in addition to mere recognition, the activity set up to obtain the silver label has provided us with the tools to support quality in the organization’s management, which we have integrated with those already used by the Emilia Romagna region it’s yes Art-ER for monitoring the development of associations ear-ER regionali. This represents the true value of the work done and a stimulus for constant improvement”.

For the evaluation, the team collected and organized all the material useful to testify to the numerous activities carried out in the last two years, thus allowing an in-depth evaluation of the impacts they generated.

In the field life science europeo there are currently six clusters in possession of the silver label valid, three of which in Germania (BioCon Valley GmbH, Medical Valley EMNForum MedTech Pharma eV) and the others in Belgium (Biowin) e Poland (Lifescience Krakow Klaster).

Two new figures for Clust-ER Health

In 2022 the Clust-ER acquired two new figures, dedicated to project management and to the actions of internationalizationboth in Europe and internationally. In addition to this, it has seen an important growth in activities, especially related to participation in European projects, as well as opportunities for dissemination and participation in events, locally and internationally. “This recognition validates the decisions taken, the activities carried out and the improvements made in recent years. Above all, it has been helpful to take this journey as it gives us insights into areas that can be further developed and on the processes that can be improved, in order to best support the regional health ecosystem and its actors”. Words of Clemence Foltzproject manager Clust-ER Health.

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