Home » Colonel Livio Castillo took over as the new commander of Police Region 7 – news

Colonel Livio Castillo took over as the new commander of Police Region 7 – news

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Colonel Livio Castillo took over as the new commander of Police Region 7 – news

The Secretary of Transparency, Andrés Idárraga, presented to the public opinion the first map of impunity in Colombia. A tool that allows a more detailed monitoring of the actions of justice against crimes against public administration.

The investigation began several months ago and covers the period from 2010 to 2023, which made it possible to identify the 10 departments of the country with the highest percentage of processes with crimes associated with corruption, which do not advance and allow, to a large extent, prescription, leaving thousands of those responsible who appropriate public resources unpunished.

According to the consolidated state of complaints associated with corruption, there are a total of 57,582, between the years 2010 and 2023, of which 93.99% have not been convicted; 89.7% without capture, and 77.15% are under investigation.


In the top 10 crimes associated with administrative corruption 2010-2023, embezzlement by appropriation ranks first with 26%; followed by the contract without compliance with legal requirements, 24.6%; concussion, 10.1%; bribery for giving or offering, 9.8%; undue interest in entering into contracts, 7.4%; own bribery, 3.7%; embezzled by different official application, 3.5%; illicit enrichment, 3.1%; public server influence traffic, 2.4%, and embezzlement by use, 2.1%.

In the complaints associated with corruption without conviction by department, there is San Andrés, 99.1%; Guaviare, 99%; Bolivar, 98.5%; Putumayo, 97.6%; La Guajira, 97.5%; Casanare, 97.5%; Cordoba, 97.2%; Vaupes, 97.2%; Arauca, 97%, and Sucre, 96.8%.

In the top 10 departments without arrests for crimes associated with corruption are: Vaupés, 98.6%; Guaviare, 98%; Guainia, 96%; Boyaca, 95.7%; Cundinamarca, 95.4%; Putumayo, 95.1%; Caldas, 94.5%; Huíla, 94.4%; Casanare, 94.1%, and Santander, 94.1%.

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Finally, in the top 10 departments without convictions for crimes associated with corruption, San Andrés heads the list, 99.1%; followed by Guaviare, 99%; Vaupes, 98.5%; Arauca, 97.6%; Casanare, 97.5%; Putumayo, 97.5%; La Guajira, 97.2%; Cordoba, 97.2%; Bolívar, 97.2%, and Sucre, 97%.

The secretary Andrés Idárraga affirmed: “These data are irrefutable, Colombia is dying in a sea of ​​impunity, the application of justice in cases of corruption, barely appears to a timid and cowardly 6%, a fact that as a Nation causes shame”.

Of 32 departments, 20 have a percentage of impunity greater than 95%, and 12 are between 90% and 94.9% impunity, only surpassed by Bogotá, which has 88% impunity.

In summary, impunity in Colombia, in associated crimes against public administration, stands at 94%.

The secretary announced that he will convene the “National Moralization Commission, the highest national anti-corruption body, headed by President Gustavo Petro. It is made up of the Ministry of the Interior, the Attorney General’s Office, the Comptroller’s Office, the Audit Office, the Prosecutor’s Office, the Supreme Court of Justice, the Council of State, the presidents of the Senate and Chamber, and the Ombudsman’s Office, among others.

Source: Secretariat of Transparency

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