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Controversy Erupts in Mexico as Bodies of Alleged Extraterrestrials Revealed in Public Hearing

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Controversy Erupts in Mexico as Bodies of Alleged Extraterrestrials Revealed in Public Hearing

Controversy Erupts Over Claims of Extraterrestrial Bodies at Public Hearing in Mexico

Mexico City – A public hearing on Unidentified Anomalous Aerial Phenomena held in Mexico has sparked a heated debate over the authenticity of two bodies alleged to be extraterrestrial in nature. The event, the first of its kind in the country, was organized by journalist Jaime Maussan and featured the presentation of the bodies, believed to be around a thousand years old.

During an interview with Infobae México, Maussan responded to accusations that the bodies were fake and addressed the potential legal repercussions his team may face for bringing them from Peru to Mexico. The bodies, referred to as “Nazca mummies,” were discovered alongside 20 other bodies in Peru. Maussan claimed that the bodies were not investigated by Peruvian authorities despite attempts to involve the Ministry of Culture and prominent universities in the study.

“We believe it was an offering to the greatest beings,” Maussan said, defending the bodies’ authenticity. “There is no other explanation other than if they were toys, a kind of offering after death.”

However, the Minister of Culture, Leslie Urteaga, announced that there is a criminal complaint against individuals who had contact with Maussan and the bodies. She would not elaborate on the nature of the complaint.

The authenticity of the bodies has been met with skepticism from anthropologists and researchers who question their origins. Maussan attributed the controversy and doubt to individuals who fear a rewriting of history. “Everything they think they know turns out not to be true, and that is what has unfortunately moved them from the first moment,” he said.

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The presentation of the bodies also included alleged tomography scans, which purport to show one of the bodies gestating three eggs. However, critics argue that the scans and other evidence provided lack credibility and scientific validation.

While the debate rages on, calls have been made for the bodies to be thoroughly investigated by independent scientists. Maussan suggested establishing a museum to house the bodies and allow for a comprehensive examination by experts from around the world.

Despite the controversy, Maussan stands firm in his belief that the bodies are genuine. “We know what is at stake,” he said. “If we present it, it is because we are sure that it is real. What’s in your head that we would do something so absurd and so stupid?”

As the debate continues, it remains to be seen whether the bodies will be further examined and if the claims of extraterrestrial life will finally be proven.

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