Home » Democracy “Rejection of the Grain Management Act, betrayal of farmers against the people” :: sympathetic media Newsis News Agency ::

Democracy “Rejection of the Grain Management Act, betrayal of farmers against the people” :: sympathetic media Newsis News Agency ::

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Democracy “Rejection of the Grain Management Act, betrayal of farmers against the people” :: sympathetic media Newsis News Agency ::

Members of the Democratic Party hold a press conference in front of the Yongsan Presidential Office

[서울=뉴시스] Telegraph Reporter = President Yoon Seok-yeol is presiding over a cabinet meeting held at the Presidential Office Building in Yongsan, Seoul on the 4th. (Presidential Office Communication Photo Reporters) 2023.04.04. [email protected]

[서울=뉴시스] Correspondent Lim Jong-myeong and Yeo Dong-joon = The Democratic Party of Korea condemned President Yoon Seok-yeol’s veto on the Grain Management Act on the 4th, saying that it went against the will of the people and betrayed the farmers.

Members of the Democratic Party held a press conference in front of the Presidential Office in Yongsan, Seoul at 11:20 am on the same day and said, “President Seok-Yeol Yoon went against the will of the people by rejecting the fear of the ‘Rice Price Normalization Act’ approved by 66.5% of the people at the Cabinet meeting today.” said.

At the same time, he insisted, “This is officially confirmed that President Yoon Seok-yeol does not care about the people and farmers.”

The lawmakers said, “The ‘Rice Price Normalization Act’ proposed by our party is a ‘surplus rice prevention law’ in which the government tries to prevent surplus rice through active rice production adjustments, and nevertheless provides a minimum safety device for farmers in case rice prices plunge. It was meant to be,” he said.

“In particular, our party’s strong insistence on the mandatory rice market isolation to guarantee farm household income by accepting the demands of farmers guarantees the minimum right to live for farmers who have sacrificed for decades before Korea entered an advanced country,” he said. It was because there was a strong desire to prevent them from being sacrificed to the management of high prices.”

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Lawmakers pointed out, “However, as President Yoon Seok-yeol rejected the ‘Rice Price Normalization Act’ today, the government can again collapse rice prices at any time if necessary, sacrificing farmers.”

“Furthermore, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Hwang-geun Jeong, who should represent the interests of farmers as the top priority, reduced the effect of rice production adjustment and even the ruling party lawmaker expressed doubts. Even though he knew that the analysis of the Rural Economic Research Institute was wrong, he gave a distorted report to President Yoon Seok-yeol. So, he betrayed the farmers by covering the eyes and ears of the president and suggesting that he exercise his veto.”

The Democratic Party lawmakers said, “If the government faithfully implements the rice price normalization law and actively adjusts rice production, 30,000 hectares of rice cultivation area will be converted to cultivation of other crops such as wheat and soybeans every year, which will reduce rice production and reduce rice price. Nevertheless, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Jeong Hwang-geun, who made the false claim that ‘by 2030, 600,000 tons of rice will be overproduced and rice prices will fall, will cost an annual budget of 1.4 trillion won’. You must be held accountable for your remarks.”

They said, “Our Democratic Party strongly condemns President Seok-yeol Yoon, who ignored the will of the people by rejecting the Rice Price Normalization Act. In addition, Agriculture and Food Minister Jeong Hwang-geun, who betrayed farmers by suggesting false reports and refusal of the Rice Price Normalization Act to President Seok-yeol Yoon, said, “We will not give in to President Yoon Seok-yeol’s veto and will fight to the end to guarantee farmers’ right to live,” he added.

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The press conference was attended by Park Hong-geun, floor leader Koh Young-in, Kim Seung-nam, Kim Jeong-ho, So Byeong-hun, Shin Jeong-hun, Yang Gyeong-suk, Wi Seong-gon, Yoon Jun-byeong, Lee Byung-hoon, Lee Won-taek, Lee Jeong-moon, Jeong Pil-mo, Joo Chul-hyeon, Jin Seong-jun, and Hong Seong-guk.

◎Sympathy Media Newsis [email protected], [email protected]

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