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directors at book fair

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directors at book fair

Within the framework of the Valledupar Book Fair The directors of the main media outlets in the Caribbean region met to discuss journalism and social networks.

At the event held at the House of Culturethe main conclusion revolved around the threats and opportunities that technologies represent, but also on the relationship of the regional media with the political class.

Juan Carlos Quintero, director of the EL PILÓN newspaper, He assured that in addition to criticizing and counterbalancing the powers, the media must have a discourse that promotes the development of the territories.

In this sense, Nicolás Pareja, director of El Universal, also spoke, who recalled the case of Canal del Dique. The Cartagena newspaper played an important role so that “the act of beginning the works that will benefit a million and a half inhabitants of Bolívar, Atlántico and Sucre was signed.”


Social networks changed the forms, but not the essence. In that sentence you can summarize what was exposed in the conversation. Director of The Meridian, William Salleg, argued that social networks and technology have not transformed journalistic genres (news, breaking latest news, report), but they have given alternatives. “It has been molded, but the essence remains. This allows the media to continue delivering in-depth information.Salleg said.

On the structure of the news, he argued that audiences focus on what and how. “But we must keep the when, why and for what, the questions that give us depth”, added the director of The Meridian.

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Andrés Molina, director of Radio Guatapurímaintained that the media and journalists ceased to be the owners of the information, “that information also belongs to the social media userss”.

In addition to tearing down the monopoly, they also built new bridges. “Intermediation between the media and the community. He President Gustavo Petro You are making direct communication through your social networks. But the risk is the shock, the permanent announcement, the president has to be feeding the social networkhe added Juan Carlos Quintero.


In the conversation there was also space for the Artificial intelligence, which seems to threaten several professions. On the point, the director of The universal told an anecdote.

Recently, several colleagues from the newspaper called me, they were in a meeting. When I arrived, between laughs and jokes, they told me: ‘We don’t need you anymore, Chat Gpt made an editorial just like yours and in a minute’. we all burst out laughing”, counted Nicholas Couple.

The director then challenged them to rate two editorials on a complex topic. “I went to do my editorial in my office. I linger around 1 or 2 hours on it. The minute they arrived: the application did the text in less than 2 minutes. When I finished we compared them. The first paragraphs are the samehowever, the conclusion made by Chat GPT was totally opposed to the principles of The universal”, recounted the director.

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