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Draghi and the call to the horn! – OujdaCity

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Ismail Al-Halouti
For the first time in the history of the Arab media, we encounter in our lives a media person who confuses sports with politics, and finds nothing wrong with combining sports description and undertaking the mission of spokesperson for his country’s military against a neighboring country. The matter here is related to the Algerian sports commentator on the Qatari “BN Sport” channels, the controversial Hafid Darraji, who was known by a large number of followers as “Trumpet of the Caprans” because he did not stop accusing Morocco and promoting rumors and slander against him through his official account on the “Instagram” website. This is in order to satisfy the guardians of his grace, who reward him for his dirty services.
At a time when wise women and men of politics are calling on the ruling regimes in the two neighboring countries, Morocco and Algeria, to resort to reason and end this senseless conflict that has lasted for more than five decades, and to favor the interests of the two brotherly peoples, away from the various manifestations of hatred, grudges and waste of public money. Especially since the Moroccan King Mohammed VI did not stop extending his hand to his Algerian brothers among the rulers in the Mouradia Palace, with the aim of turning the page on the differences that almost never end until another begins again, and to start together and without preconditions in building a common future on solid foundations, and in an atmosphere of fruitful dialogue. Candid, mutual respect and good neighborliness.
The same sports descriptor called “Hafiz”, who does not memorize speech except the ugliest of it, refuses to draw his sword and wave it in the sky announcing the mobilization and rallying around the threatened homeland in its security and stability, and confronting the enemies who are nothing but Moroccans or “Marouk” in the language of its masters. In a video clip, the man appeared broken as he had never before, as he delivered his insane sermon, through which he urges the living and the dead, including thinkers, scholars, electronic flies, and others, on the need to engage in a fierce war against those who target their country, relying on that to promote Spreading rumors and falsehoods and defending them with all the strength and capabilities available to him, disregarding all cosmic values ​​and human principles in the days of Eid al-Fitr, with the aim of inciting Algerian citizens against their brothers in language and religion and their neighbors in history and geography. Then when was working to try to retrieve the kidnapped Moroccans for their history and culture, considered a mockery or an insult to the history, culture and arts of Algeria, as the cunning Draghi claims? Doesn’t Morocco have the right to claim its land that was usurped by the colonialists and annexed to Algeria, which Cabranata is proud of as having inherited from French colonialism?
The spokesman for the Kabranat, “Draghi,” was not content with only the videotape of charging and inciting against Morocco, but rather he decided to work harder and write a lengthy article dripping with hatred and hatred on the “Algeria Now” website under the title: “We have actually entered a stage of no return with them,” calling through him to engage in the battle. “With them,” meaning the Moroccans, and he thus echoes what the figurehead president, Abdel Majeed Tebboune, said at the behest of his de facto president and chief of staff, Al-Saeed Shangriha, in a television interview with the Qatari Al-Jazeera channel. What opportunism is this? What flattery is more horrible and dangerous than when a sports broadcaster who is supposed to broadcast the values ​​of nobility, tolerance, cooperation and love for the other turns into a despicable military trumpet for extra dollars from the people’s money? Was it not more useful for him, if he was actually inclined to political action more than sports, to devote himself to defending the Algerian people, who spend long hours in queues in front of shops and markets to win limited quotas of oil, milk, etc., and who have been living for a long time under the weight of oppression? Mouths are silenced and at the rhythm of the worst manifestations of oppression, injustice, marginalization, starvation, arbitrary arrests and sham trials?
Many Moroccans believe in good faith, along with some Algerian brothers who are helpless, that Draghi is unaware of the despicable role he plays by siding with the cabanas, who made him a cheap mouthpiece to serve their malicious agendas, taking advantage of his virtual wide popularity in the world of the round witch, It transmits the phases of the most important major matches, whether Arab, African, European or American. On the contrary, he chose to side with the corrupt military regime and help it mobilize paid voices, not only to distract the Algerian people and absorb the anger of the street, which is about to explode, but also to drain and oppose Morocco in its territorial integrity and disrupt its successful development path by all standards.
Continuing to talk about such bad human models, which do nothing better than falsifying facts and igniting wars between peoples instead of calming the atmosphere and hearts, is nothing more than a waste of time and will only increase our grumbling and tension. And we will not find here a saying by “Draghi” and other hired trumpets, better than what the freed slave Abraham Lincoln said: “You can fool some of the people all the time, and you can fool all the people some of the time, but you can never fool all the people all the time.” People’s negligence is one of the ugliest characteristics of weak souls who seek money and fame, who are under the illusion that they are smarter than others in passing on their fallacies and fabrications without ever revealing their truth, and the situation is that they only work to destroy their credibility and lose people’s respect for them, and thus they live what is left of Their lives are outcasts and reprehensible.

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