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Editorial: A year of soul and body scrubbing

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Editorial: A year of soul and body scrubbing

Who does not know the saying “a good child has many names” – this is also the case with this year, which bears the name of both exercise and sauna year. Exercise and sauna complement each other well, because after exercise it is nice to warm the bones in the sauna and scrub the body clean.

A sauna is something that many Estonians, like our northern neighbors the Finns, cannot imagine life without. The sauna was one of the first things that the Estonian mission soldiers set up at Camp Bastion in Afghanistan. Apparently, the goal was not to go to the sauna to get warm, but rather to relieve homesickness. The sauna, as a warm and clean place, has been a part of the whole circle of life of Estonians – people were born and died there, help was sought for various diseases. Even today, there is a list of problems that the sauna helps to relieve: stress disappears in the sauna, the sauna helps to lose weight, keep young, keeps viruses and colds away.

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