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Edumag held a rally to support Fecode’s list of demands

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Edumag held a rally to support Fecode’s list of demands

The Union of Education Workers of Magdalena, showed its support for Fecode in a concentration that took place in lto Bolivar square.

Hundreds of teachers managed to meet in a rally that was intended to support the national government, as well as talk about the list of demands presented to the former Minister of Education, Alejandro Gaviria, this meeting that was attended by the Vice President of Edumag Liber Herrera Parra, reported the poor conditions in which teachers work in the department.

Liber Herrera Parra, communicated to EL INFORMADOR, the main reasons that led to the concentration of this union of teachers in which he stated that, “Fecode filed the list of requests for this 2023, which are the demands of the needs of education in he Department of Magdalena.

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Likewise, he spoke of the general system of participation, since real and progressive resources are needed in education. to be able to get out of the crisis that currently exists in the country, a situation that affects Magdalena”.

In the same way, Parra indicated that, “currently, regarding infrastructure issues in the different schools at the district and departmental level, they are obsolete, requesting the national government to restructure and remodeling of some schools that no longer have the optimal conditions to carry out classes in person.”

Resources have periodically been reduced, due to previous administrations and the non-implementation of these, to benefit the national education system, would be one of the main causes that motivated teachers, managers to attend a concentration in which They reiterated the terrible situations in which many of these teachers work.

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Finally, another of the main causes would be the few teaching positions they currently have, requesting that they expand a little more to favor many teachers who are They have remained unemployed.

*The teachers of this union request the Ministry of Education to correct the poor infrastructure of the schools as well as to meditate on the single day.

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