Home » Extreme Heat Continues: Six Provinces, Districts, and Localities in China Expected to Reach 40°C

Extreme Heat Continues: Six Provinces, Districts, and Localities in China Expected to Reach 40°C

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Large-scale high temperature in the north and south continues, six provinces, districts, and localities can reach 40 ℃

The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued high temperature orange warnings, indicating that the high temperature in certain regions of China continues to persist. According to the forecast released on July 9, most of North China, Huanghuai, most of Jiangnan, South China, and the Sichuan Basin, western Hubei, central and southern Shaanxi, central and western Gansu, and northern Ningxia, western Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang Turpan, and the eastern part of the Nanjiang Basin will experience high temperature weather above 35°C.

In particular, some areas in central and southern North China, most of the Huanghuai River, central and eastern Jiangnan, and western Inner Mongolia will observe temperatures ranging from 37-39°C. Even higher temperatures are expected in certain regions, such as southern Hebei, northern Henan, northwestern Shanxi, southeastern Zhejiang, northeastern Fujian, and western Inner Mongolia, with temperatures reaching above 40°C.

To ensure the safety and well-being of the population during this extreme weather, the Central Meteorological Observatory has provided the following defense guidelines:

1. Relevant departments and units are advised to implement safeguard measures for heatstroke prevention and cooling, according to their assigned responsibilities.

2. It is recommended to avoid outdoor activities during high temperature periods. Individuals working under high temperature conditions should also shorten their continuous working hours.

3. Special attention should be given to the elderly, weak, sick, and young individuals. Heatstroke prevention and cooling guidance should be provided, and necessary protective measures should be taken.

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4. Relevant departments and units are urged to be vigilant in preventing fires caused by excessive power consumption and excessive electrical loads, such as wires and transformers.

It is crucial for everyone to take these guidelines seriously and be proactive in protecting themselves and those around them from the dangers of extreme heat. Stay hydrated, seek shade or air-conditioned spaces whenever possible, and regularly check on vulnerable individuals.

(Resources: Liu Xiaojun News report: 8110110)

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