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Farewell to the iconic blue bird

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Farewell to the iconic blue bird

This Monday, Twitter left millions of users speechless by announcing a radical change in its visual identity.

The emblematic blue bird that has characterized the social network since its foundation in 2006, disappeared to make way for a new logo: an “X”.

The owner of Twitter, the magnate Elon Musk, was the one who made the decision to change the logo that had been so recognizable for all these years. The surprise was greater when we saw that the white “X” on a black background has already been implemented in the web version of Twitter, although it has not yet reached the mobile version.

Musk had warned about the design changes, in a broader transformation to the Twitter brand. In his statements, he expressed: “Soon we will say goodbye to the Twitter brand and, little by little, to all the birds.”

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Since Elon Musk acquired Twitter in October last year for a staggering $44 billion, the platform has undergone several changes. Some of these changes have been the subject of controversy, especially among users who have been unhappy with the emergence of new costs for services that were previously free.

This is not the first time that Twitter has modified its logo, the famous blue bird had already been replaced by the image of a Japanese shiba inu dog associated with the Dogecoin cryptocurrency.

With this new change, Twitter seeks to mark a milestone in its trajectory, renewing itself to adapt to the times and redefining its visual identity. However, user reactions to this change have been diverse, with some showing nostalgia for the disappearance of the blue bird that for so many years has been the distinctive symbol of the social network.

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