Home » Friuli Venezia Giulia elections, projections: Fedriga at 64.9%

Friuli Venezia Giulia elections, projections: Fedriga at 64.9%

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Friuli Venezia Giulia elections, projections: Fedriga at 64.9%

Friuli Venezia Giulia elections, Fedriga wins with over 60%. “An honor to be re-elected”

Massimiliano Fedriga (Photo Ansa)


Clear victory in the 2023 regional elections in Friuli Venezia Giulia, for the outgoing governor Massimiliano Fedriga. When 1,345 out of 1,360 sections were polled, with a total of 494,011 voters, the president of the Region and candidate with the centre-right is ahead at 64.16% followed by centre-left challenger Massimo Moretuzzo with 28.45%, by Giorgia Tripoli (‘Insieme Liberi’) with 4.66% and by Third Pole candidate Alessandro Maran with 2.73%.

“Thank you to the voters” for “confirming me at the helm of the Region. An important expression of trust that represents a great responsibility, also because I am the first governor of this region to be re-elected by the citizens”: thus Massimiliano Fedriga commenting on the voting data. “Knowing that the work done in these 5 years, marked by Covid and beyond, has been so appreciated by the people is pride and encouragement to continue working even harder to achieve the objectives of our program”. Fedriga thanked the other candidates for the fairness of the confrontation.

Meloni: “Never considered a defeat”

“I would say that Massimiliano worked very well in these years. I have never considered the hypothesis of a defeat” said the Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, on the sidelines of the visit to Vinitaly.

Salvini rejoices: “Third victory”

“And after the victories at the beginning of 2023 in Lombardy and Lazio, today comes the third! Thank you Friuli Venezia Giulia” writes Matteo Salvini on social medialeader of the League posting a photo in the company of the governor Massimiliano Fedriga.

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Zaia to Fedriga: “Congratulations on the great result”

“With the elections, citizens are also called to judge the administrator; theby Max Fedriga not only did it pass the test but it was also awarded. I heartily congratulate him on the great result which is now taking shape, anticipating the well-deserved reconfirmation”. Thus, the president of the Veneto Region, Luca Zaia.

Bernini: “Good governance awarded”

“Congratulations to President Massimiliano Fedriga. His re-election as head of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region is the confirmation of a path of good governance that voters want to continue for the next few years as well. But it is above all further proof that the centre-right is a coalition strong and cohesive, who knows how to transform proposals into actions. My best wishes to President Fedriga for a good job”. This was stated by the deputy coordinator of Forza Italia and Minister of University and Research, Anna Maria Bernini.

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