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Gender equality plan: AgID among the first entities to adopt it

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Gender equality plan: AgID among the first entities to adopt it

With the Determination no. 13 of 18 January 2023 the Agency for Digital Italy has adopted the updated version of the Code of Conduct for employees and the new Gender Equality Plan.

The Employee Code of Conduct

Il Code redefines and regulates the behavior of the Agency’s staff and collaborators, replacing the previous one from 2015. With the update, the Agency implements the new ANAC guidelines on the codes of conduct of public administrations and complies with the most recent regulatory provisions ( Article 4 of Legislative Decree No. 36 of 30 April 2022 on “Further urgent measures for the implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan”), with particular reference to those relating to the correct use of information technology and the media and social media by civil servants. The Code was also the subject of a consultation period, which made it possible to acquire comments and proposed changes.

Compared to the previous edition, the regulatory provisions on “agile work” and the indications for the professional development of fragile workers are recalled. Other new elements concern the typification of personal and professional relationships symptomatic of a possible conflict of interest, with the inclusion of “serious reasons of convenience” which entail the obligation to abstain (articles 11 and 12), the definition of the rules for the correct use of material and instrumental resources and e-mail (articles 13 and 14) and the provisions relating to the use of social networks by employees (article 15).

The AgID Gender Equality Plan

Adopted in line with the long-term objectives of the National Strategy for Gender Equality 2021-2026 (and with the provisions of article 5 of the Decree-Law of 30 April 2022, n.36), the Piano has the objective of effectively applying the principle of gender equality in the organization and management of the Agency.

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The Plan, drawn up taking into account the guidelines issued by the Department for Public Administration and the Department for Equal Opportunities and issued with a provision dated 06 October 2022, is divided into two parts. The first is dedicated to actions and prospects, with some thematic focuses on the actions to be promoted in order to maintain gender equality in the Agency and improve the physical, psychological and social well-being of all workers. The second part aims to raise awareness on the issues of non-discrimination and equal opportunities among all AgID staff, emphasizing the importance of relationships and interventions for the benefit of equality between women and men.

AgID is among the first central public administrations to adopt the Gender Equality Plan.

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