Home » Giorgia Meloni’s speech to the Chamber: the 10 main phrases

Giorgia Meloni’s speech to the Chamber: the 10 main phrases

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Giorgia Meloni’s speech to the Chamber: the 10 main phrases

From presidential reform to civil rights, from women to the mafia. The ten sentences of Giorgia Meloni’s speech to the Chamber.

Melons: “Watch out? Italy has no lessons to take “
“Anyone who wants to watch over our government would tell them that they can spend their time better: in this room there are valid fighting opposition forces who can make themselves heard without needing external help. I hope that those from abroad who say they want to watch over Italy do not lack respect not to me but to the Italian people who have no lessons to take ».

“Italy needs a presidential reform”
“We are firmly convinced that Italy needs a constitutional reform in the presidential sense, which guarantees stability and restores centrality to popular sovereignty. A reform that allows Italy to pass from an “interloquent democracy” to a “deciding democracy”.

“Never felt sympathy for regimes, including fascism”
«Freedom and democracy are the distinctive elements of contemporary European civilization in which I have always recognized myself. And therefore, in spite of what has been argued instrumentally, I have never felt sympathy or closeness towards anti-democratic regimes. For no regime, including fascism. I have always considered the racial laws of 1938 the lowest point in Italian history, a shame that will mark our people forever. The totalitarianisms of the twentieth century tore apart the whole of Europe, not just Italy, for more than half a century, in a succession of horrors that swept over most of the European states. And the horror and the crimes, whoever they are committed by, do not deserve any justification, and are not compensated for by other horrors and other crimes. In the abyss, the scores are never evened out, he just rushes in ».

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“On the front line against mafia cancer, Borsellino is an example”
“Legality will be the guiding star of government action. I started in politics at 15, the day after the Via D’Amelio massacre, in which the mafia killed Paolo Borsellino, driven by the idea that one could not stand by and watch, that anger and indignation were translated into civic engagement. The path that led me to be Prime Minister today stems from the example of that hero. We will face mafia cancer with our heads held high, on the front line, from this government, criminals and mafia members will have nothing but contempt and inflexibility ».

Meloni quotes Iotti, Anselmi and Fallaci: “Thank you for demonstrating the value of Italian women”
From Tina Anselmi and Nilde Iotti to Oriana Fallaci and Samantha Cristoferetti. In her speech in the Chamber, Giorgia Meloni mentions, calling them only by name, the women who “broke the heavy glass roof placed over our heads”, opening the way for the first woman to Palazzo Chigi. A sort of Phanteon for the leader of the Brothers of Italy. «Women – the new prime minister remarked – who dared, out of impetus, for reason, or for love. Like Cristina (editor’s note Trivulzio di Belgioioso), elegant organizer of lounges and barricades ». Or «like Rosalie (ed. Montmasson), stubborn to the point of starting with the Thousand who made Italy. Like Alfonsina (ed. Strada) who pedaled hard against the wind of prejudice. Like Maria (editor’s note Montessori) or Grazia (editor’s note Deledda) who with their example threw open the gates of education for girls throughout the country ». Meloni then names Tina Anselmi, Nilde Jotti, Rita Levi Montalcini, Oriana Fallaci, of the journalists Ilaria Alpi and Mariagrazia Cutuli), of Fabiola Giannotti); of the former Minister of Justice Marta Cartabia) and the new Minister of Reform, Elisabetta Casellati. The list also includes astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti and Chiara Corbella Petrillo. “Thank you for showing the value of Italian women, as I hope to be able to do too.”

“You don’t enter Italy illegally but with the flow decrees”
«Security and legality, of course, also concern the correct management of migratory flows. According to a simple principle: in Italy, as in any other serious state, one does not enter illegally, one enters legally through the flow decrees ”.

“We will fight all forms of racism and anti-Semitism”
“The political community from which I come has always made progress towards a full and conscious historicization of the twentieth century, has assumed important government responsibilities by swearing on the Republican Constitution, as we had the honor of doing just a few hours ago, he stated and embodied without any ambiguity the values ​​of liberal democracy, which are the basis of the common identity of the Italian center-right. And from which we will not deflect by a single centimeter: we will fight any form of racism, anti-Semitism, political violence, discrimination ”.

“We will never restrict civil rights or abortion”
“Montesquieu used to say that” Freedom is that good that makes you enjoy every other good. “Freedom is the foundation of a true society of opportunities; it is freedom that must guide our actions; freedom to be, to do, to produce . A center-right government will never limit the existing freedoms of citizens and businesses. We will see the test of facts, even on civil rights and abortion, who lied and who told the truth in the electoral campaign about what our real intentions were “.

“Encouraging female employment”
“Since family projects go hand in hand with work, we want to encourage female employment in every way, rewarding those companies that adopt policies that offer effective solutions to reconcile home-work times and supporting municipalities to guarantee free nurseries. and open until the closing time of shops and offices. Italy needs a new intergenerational alliance, which has its pillar in the family and strengthens the bond that unites children with grandparents and young people with the elderly, who must be protected, valued and supported because they represent our roots and ours. history”.

“Pnrr great opportunity, make the most of it”
«The PNRR is an extraordinary opportunity to modernize Italy: we all have a duty to make the most of it. The challenge is complex due to the structural and bureaucratic limits that have always made it difficult for Italy to be able to fully use even the European funds of ordinary programming. Suffice it to say that the Update to the Def 2022 has reduced the public expenditure activated by the PNRR to 15 billion compared to the 29.4 billion envisaged in the Def of last April “.

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