Home » Godega mourns Stefania Miuzzo, she was the heart of volunteering

Godega mourns Stefania Miuzzo, she was the heart of volunteering

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Godega mourns Stefania Miuzzo, she was the heart of volunteering

The community of Godega is in mourning for the disappearance of Stefania Miuzzo, 54. She passed away last night due to illness. She was extroverted, whimsical and volcanic, had been reserved in not wanting to make that evil weigh on others. Always smiling, so she wished everyone remembered her. Although this morning, when news of the tragedy spread between Bibano and Godega, many shed tears.

Stefania Miuzzo, a commercial employee in Conegliano for a job agency, has been a volunteer since she was a girl in her parish in Bibano, the town where she was born and raised. She was the coordinator of the grest, numerous initiatives she carried out for children and young people, dozens of animators she trained. Among the many of her, she had brought the world champion pastry chef, Leonardo Di Carlo, to Bibano to teach mothers the tricks of “scientific pastry”. The organization of the carnival and the masked float, with which the Bibano grest group participated in various editions of Carnevali di Marca, was a “must” for her. Stefania did it, as well as many other volunteer activities, to unite the community, involving children, parents and grandparents, with her heart. She too had been troubled by the tragedy of the Ukrainian girl, who drowned in Lake Revine last July during a summer camp. Stefania had written a long reflection on grest which ended like this: «A big hug, because at this moment we all need it. Those who have been struck by the immense tragedy need it; those who live closely these experiences of volunteering; who really believes in it, because first of all it makes itself available with the heart, which is not always enough, but it is essential that it exists and it must be remembered ».

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Stefania, with the characteristic smile

A bond of friendship linked her from childhood with the president of Veneto Luca Zaia. They were born less than a week apart from each other, grown up and done schools together. Stefania Miuzzo leaves her mother Lina whom she has always looked after with love, her sister Laura and other family members. The date of her funeral will be set during the day.

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