Home » Group “Los Satiros” dedicated to cattle theft is dismantled

Group “Los Satiros” dedicated to cattle theft is dismantled

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Group “Los Satiros” dedicated to cattle theft is dismantled

The Attorney General’s Office managed to have a guarantee control judge deprive three alleged members of the criminal group Los Satiros of their liberty in a prison, for the crimes of conspiracy to commit a crime, rustling, and reception.

In the photo, two of the three presumed members of Los Satiros appear, standing with their arms behind their backs. One wears white short-sleeved t-shirt worn light blue jean. The other person wears a dark jacket and a green shirt with a pattern, as well as blue jeans. On either side of them are uniformed members of the National Police. Behind them is an institutional banner of the Police.

The Attorney General’s Office managed to have a guarantee control judge deprive three alleged members of the criminal group Los Satiros of their liberty in a prison.

They are Luis Alfonso Londoño Patiño, alias Bigotes; Libio Bernardo Díaz Delgado, alias Pastuso and Kevin Steve Martínez alias Kevin.

According to the investigations carried out by the Prosecutor’s Office, the defendants today participated in 11 events, in which they stole 37 head of cattle, valued at 192 million pesos. The robberies were registered between February 2022 and January 2023, in rural areas of the municipalities of Yotoco, San Pedro and Andalucía (Valle del Cauca).

Due to the above, uniformed officers of the Sijín of the National Police, in search and search proceedings, materialized the arrest warrants against those accused today, on April 24. During the diligence, the authorities seized a motorcycle that was listed as stolen.

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