Home » Guatemalan Public Ministry Requests Suspension of Movimiento Semilla Party Following Presidential Election Win

Guatemalan Public Ministry Requests Suspension of Movimiento Semilla Party Following Presidential Election Win

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Guatemalan Public Ministry Requests Suspension of Movimiento Semilla Party Following Presidential Election Win

Guatemalan Public Ministry Requests Suspension of Movimiento Semilla Party

(CNN) – The Guatemalan Public Ministry has formally requested Congress to suspend the Movimiento Semilla party, to which Bernardo Arévalo, the winner of the recent presidential elections, belongs. The request came after a letter was sent to Congress on Wednesday, August 23, signed by special prosecutor Leonor Eugenia Morales Lazo and the head of the Special Prosecutor’s Office against Impunity (FECI), Rafael Curruchiche. The letter was addressed to the president of the legislative body, Shirley Joanna Rivera.

The prosecutor’s office made the request based on a ruling issued on July 12 by the seventh court, which ordered the provisional suspension of the legal entity of the Committee for the constitution of the political party Movimiento Semilla. However, the Constitutional Court of the Supreme Court quickly granted a provisional amparo to the Movimiento Semilla party and annulled the order of the criminal court against Bernardo Arévalo’s party, within a span of 24 hours.

The request for suspension is part of a series of actions carried out by the FECI, including two raids on the offices of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE), as part of the ongoing legal proceedings against the registration of the Semilla party. The first raid occurred on July 13 at the TSE Citizens Registry headquarters, followed by another raid on July 20, targeting the TSE Human Resources offices.

The Movimiento Semilla party has been embroiled in controversy and legal challenges since the elections. The request for suspension comes as a blow to Arévalo, who recently emerged as the winner of the second round of the presidential elections held on Sunday.

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Congress will now have to review and deliberate on the request for suspension. It will be up to them to determine the fate of the Movimiento Semilla party and Bernardo Arévalo’s political future.

The request and its potential implications for future governance in Guatemala have attracted widespread attention. Critics argue that the timing of the request raises concerns about political interference, particularly given the swift response from the Constitutional Court.

As the situation develops, politicians, authorities, and the public will closely monitor the outcome of Congress’ decision on the suspension request, which could have a significant impact on the country’s political landscape and the future of the Movimiento Semilla party.

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