Home » Guild of taxi drivers will take over the roads of Cali on February 22

Guild of taxi drivers will take over the roads of Cali on February 22

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Guild of taxi drivers will take over the roads of Cali on February 22

In what seems to be the time of demonstrations in our country, one is approaching on February 22.

This day of protests will take place throughout Colombia and is summoned by the taxi drivers union.

The points that support, according to these unions, this massive mobilization for Wednesday, February 22 at the national level, were exposed in a statement supported by the policies established by the government of former president Iván Duque and the bills that are being advanced by the administration of Gustavo Petroaccording to this union of taxi drivers.

Reasons for protests:

1. Illegality and informality in transport.

2. Fuel prices.

3. Sanctions regime.

4. Sanctions and interventions to transport authorities.

“Over a million families depend economically on our Industry, which are on the verge of collapse, due to the increase in illegality and the little protection of the entities in charge of regulating that have also violated the legitimate trust and on the contrary What they did was meet with those who are outside the law and supported by former congressmen and current parliamentarians, who are unaware of the profound hermeneutics of this fight and send a bad example to the general public, since it is made clear that not following the legal framework of transport and transgressing our constitution is the way to achieve that the illegal is sold romantically as moral, through the media pity towards them and a discredit before our industry”, the statement details.

The taxi drivers’ union does not intend to transgress citizens, they only seek mobilization without political overtones as the way in which all local, departmental, and national leaders take action on points that affect sustainability and the work of drivers.

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What is the central point of disgust?

It has to do with the use of transport platforms and the use of private vehicles to provide the service.

The government of Gustavo Petro in the first instance was thinking of banning apps like Uber and Cabify, among others, but after public opinion and a significant number of parliamentarians did not agree
agreement indicated that the intention was really to regulate them.

Even the Minister of Transportation, Guillermo Reyes, met with the companies of these apps and the drivers of the platform to reach an agreement on their regulation in Colombia.


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