Home » Gustavo Petro proposes that the JACs create a power generation network

Gustavo Petro proposes that the JACs create a power generation network

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Gustavo Petro proposes that the JACs create a power generation network

As part of the closing of the National Popular Communal Assembly in Bogotá, Gustavo Petro gave a message to the JAC in the country, where he summoned the Community Action of Colombia to build a network that can generate electricity for the country, and that brings this public service to remote parts of the region.

In this way, the first Colombian president invited users to own the energy for their region, in order to strengthen the country’s rural roads, in addition to continuing with the fight against hunger. In this regard, Petro explained his proposal.

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“What I want is to open the way, not to a world of market regulations made to bring the user of public services to their knees through billsbut to ensure that what is now called the user, the user, becomes the owner of the generation of electric power in Colombia”, mentioned Petro.

For this, the president Gustavo Petrocommented on the importance of the Community Action Boards, “place your shoulder” for the organization of each neighborhood in the cities and territories, in order to reach this construction of “a huge network of electric power generators”.

Gustavo Petro responds that he will respect the Police General’s freedom of worship

President Gustavo Petro spoke about the scandal of possible interference of religious issues with the actions of the General of the National PoliceHenry Sanabria, who is a practicing Catholic and devoted to the Virgin Mary.

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“The discussion has to do with two different issues, one is the general’s religious beliefs that as a person must be respected. In our country there is freedom of religion and we have said that we would never persecute someone for a religious belief”, said President Petro.

However, Petro assured that both General Sanabria and any public officialhe is required to fully carry out his functions and that these do not interfere with his cult or religion: “The other thing is the separation that has to do between the functions of an official and the state and its beliefsthat the belief does not end up affecting the constitutional development of a public function”.

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