Home » Henry Kronfle says that it is the “obligation” of the Prosecutor’s Office to provide information

Henry Kronfle says that it is the “obligation” of the Prosecutor’s Office to provide information

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The president of the Assembly stated that it is not ruled out that the information point regarding the Prosecutor’s Office case will be known in Plenary. This could be after the legislative vacancy.

The Social Christian Party (PSC) will not back down in its attempt to put for consideration by the Plenary of the National Assembly a resolution to support the independence of functions and institutionality of the Prosecutor’s Office, and in the process request information on investigations of the Purge, Metastasis, Meeting (Great Godfather), Flopec (Amazonas Tanker), León de Troya, Isspol and distribution of Hospitals.

The debate on this topic, which was incorporated into the second item on the agenda of session 915 on March 19, 2024, was diluted when Henry Kronfle (PSC), president of the National Assembly, did not install it. However, the issue remains latent on the legislative agenda. 70 votes are required to pass the resolution.

But everything remains to be seen, since the proximity of the legislative vacancy (from March 26 to April 9) will be a factor that will influence the knowledge of the resolution to take longer.

Issue is still pending

In the call to session 915 made by Kronfle By 4:00 p.m. on March 21, the PSC resolution was not included. In the plenary session only a report on the budget proforma.

Given this scenario, LA HORA asked the president of the Assembly a question: Are the 70 votes still not guaranteed (among the allies of the PSC, Correismo and National Democratic Action), as was revealed in the corridors of Parliament on March 19 among several assembly members, to approve the resolution to request information from the prosecutor? “!That is not like that! “I don’t know where you get that from,” Kronfle responded.

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According to the head of the Legislature, the issue could not be discussed in the session because the Ambassador of the European Union had arrived at the headquarters of the Legislative Palace and because the Specialized Economic Development Commission had to meet to approve the tourism law report.

Information request

Henry Kronfle specified that in the session on March 19, an information point was going to be discussed – respecting the separation of powers of the State – so that the (Prosecutor’s Office) could provide data on the progress of the investigations that were not included in the accountability of the State. the State Attorney General, Diana Salazar, since those processes had not begun, such as the case of the trial of the members of the Judiciary Council, Fausto Murillo and Juan José Morillo.

In the case file of trial of former members of the Judiciary The Prosecutor’s Office is asked to investigate alleged infractions. “When did these investigations begin? That was the spirit of the resolution and of cases that are moving forward; without breaking the confidentiality of the investigation,” Kronfle clarified.

In addition, he assured that knowledge of the information point in the Plenary is not ruled out, since he believes that other benches could include other requests for information from the prosecutor.

“We must agree on the list of all the processes for which we are going to request information. Absolutely nothing is ruled out, it is our responsibility and our obligation to request information from the Prosecutor’s Office about processes that have been resolved in the Assembly, and it is the obligation of the Prosecutor’s Office to give us the information”said Kronfle.

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After expressing that the press is “obsessed” with the issue of the prosecutor, he did not give a date to set up the Plenary session to resolve the request.

However, he left open another possibility. “After the legislative vacancy We will have to agree on the points that we are going to ask for, and if the way is going to be through a resolution, because maybe it will be through a appearance; So don’t get into trouble with the prosecutor, don’t worry,” Kronfle stressed.

For the president of the Assembly there is confusion in public opinion, because the motion of support for the prosecutor was made on December 18, 2023.

Ask ‘pass page’

A sector of the government’s National Democratic Action (ADN), the independents, and Gente Buena, ask to move on to another issue.

“You can’t continue with the same thing, you have to turn the page,” he said. Cesar Umajinga (DNA), and recalled that in the resolution supporting the prosecutor for the investigation of the Metastasis case of December 18, 2023 raised by Construye, ADN voted in favor. “Unfortunately in the case Purge “There were two attempts.”

Jaime Guevara (Independent) He distanced himself from the PSC, and warned that there would be conditional support between the lines. However, he pointed out that the Assembly can’t lend itself to this.

“It has to be frontal support and without conditions so that they let the prosecutor work until the end of the period (April 1, 2025).”

He insisted that they are not going to lend themselves to canceling the fiscal because, as he said, that is the bottom line. “Saying that we are going to support the prosecutor, but that she facilitate the cases that are under investigation cannot happen, this is unpresentable,” she said.

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María Teresa Pasquel (Good People-Build), He confirmed that the bench will not accept conditions. She hopes that what eventually happens in the coming days will not be a gauge of strength surrounding the impeachment of the prosecutor. “I hope it’s not like that, because there we will see who is with the mafias, and who is with the country,” she stressed. (SC)

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