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Hindu woman in mosque

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Hindu woman in mosque

Through social media, a video of a Hindu woman called “Pholan Devi” has gone viral in the Adams mosque in the American state of Virginia. . All the worshipers, including children, were present in the mosque. Despite the uncertain situation, the attendees did not react strongly, but took the path of law, reported the incident to the local police, who immediately intervened and forcibly closed the mosque. Taken out of bounds, it can be concluded that Muslims as a whole and by nature are not violent, then they consider it uncivilized to lay hands on a woman because they have the courage to tolerate extremes, secondly if If there is rule of law in a state, taking the law into one’s hands is avoided even in any sudden situation and sensitive matter. One of the ways to prevent religious fanaticism is the full implementation of the law.
Why did the woman do this on the occasion of a religious festival, what was the torture of the Muslim community that forced her to do this, her rebellious attitude suggests that she has a negative mindset towards the Muslim community. . That is why he made a commotion in the place of worship when the Muslims were engaged in the Eid prayer. The media coverage of the incident was heard all over the world, but for the children in the mosque, the situation was shocking, and many questions would be a burden for their parents.
The Muslim community living in Europe and the Western world has long been under scrutiny and attacks by extremists after the 9/11 tragedy, with the powerful media behind it, which knows the art of radicalizing the Mujahideen. But a Hindu woman whose leaven has risen from the soil of the subcontinent, whose forefathers have opened their eyes among Muslims, she will be well aware of their civilization, culture, and also know history, then she is like this in the mosque. Intruding highlights his sense of deprivation and prejudice.
Even if there were only Pakistani community in the mosque, it would be understandable that the Hindu community has a grudge against them, but in the mosque, it is different.
People of the nationality were present as Muslims.
Musufa should have examined the values ​​and traditions of his religion before attacking the Muslim community. Hinduism is divided into castes to such an extent that in this global village, which is impossible to imagine, a group like Dalits is considered human. Not to mention, it was only yesterday that two girls were brutally murdered and their bodies were hanged from a tree in the village of Katra in the state of Andhra Pradesh. What will the influential class be punished for their crimes?
The Congress, which claimed India’s secularism as a slogan of protection for all citizens, has been razed to the ground by the Modi government with its Hindutva policy. Modi, as Prime Minister, has also played a key role in harassing minorities, no one including Muslims, Sikhs, Christians is safe from them, not a day passes without riots. And no murders. The honor and dignity of Hindu women themselves are not protected by Hindu organizations. In contrast, Islam is a religion of peace and reconciliation, its followers are commanded that the best among you is the one whose hands and tongue are safe from others.
The American woman will know that after the attacks on the World Trade Center, the Muslim community was called by bad names, personal attacks were made on them, their families were harassed and they were mentally challenged while on duty. They were tortured, even in this atmosphere of hatred, this class did not show intolerance, acted with wisdom and courage, but raised their voices against injustices at every notable forum. Instead of calling to understand the facts on the ground, the discussion of Islamic phobia remained in the western world, despite this, no Muslim even imagined the desecration of the place of worship of another religion, gave respect and respect to the holy books and personalities. On the occasion of the religious festival of Eid, the Indian woman has represented her Hindu society by showing her evil inner self. If anyone had any doubts, they should have approached the relevant forum.
Through PK movie made in India, in which Aamir Khan has played the lead role, he wants to convey the message that fighting on the basis of religion, dividing, robbing people of their religious identity, killing them is justified. Giving is tantamount to distorting religious teachings, the famous Bollywood movie Hindutva was presented in the context of Hindutva culture. have tried
Islam is a divine religion, coming from Hazrat Adam (peace be upon him), all its teachings are preserved till the Day of Resurrection, it guides from the first breath to the last hiccup of death, the last book is the Holy Quran, the subject of which is man. Humans who come to the Day of Judgment can take guidance from him.
In your own country, Dr. Zakir Naik has converted thousands of Hindus into the fold of Islam in a large congregation. The world of the heart would have changed, but you chose the other way, the police caught you in the whole congregation and threw you out of the mosque, the whole world laughed at your behavior, the most likely thing is that now some other non-Muslim He will not take the risk of entering the mosque like this, but the doors of the ummah are open for everyone to get Islamic teachings.
The above should also remember that Hinduism has no history and official belief, it is a collection of different sects and beliefs, its acceptance is limited only to India, but the number of Islamic countries is more than fifty, every day Muslims The number is increasing, this is the recognition of its authenticity, it has to remain forever, whoever tried to extinguish the bright lamp of Islam with the blows of propaganda was unsuccessful and unintended.

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