Home » Implementing General Secretary Xi Jinping’s Instructions: Study and Strengthen Party Building

Implementing General Secretary Xi Jinping’s Instructions: Study and Strengthen Party Building

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Zhejiang Holds Meeting to Implement Xi Jinping’s Instructions on Party Building

Zhejiang province recently hosted a meeting of provincial party members and leading cadres to discuss and implement the important instructions given by General Secretary Xi Jinping regarding party building and organizational work. The meeting, which was held on the morning of the 3rd, aimed to convey and study the instructions made by General Secretary Xi Jinping on party building and organizational work, as well as the spirit of the national organizational work conference.

The meeting was chaired by Provincial Party Secretary Yi Lianhong, who also delivered a speech. The attendees included Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Governor Wang Hao, Chairman of the Provincial Political Consultative Conference Huang Lixin, and other party members and leading cadres above the deputy provincial level.

During the meeting, it was emphasized that the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions and the requirements of the National Organizational Work Conference should be thoroughly implemented. The meeting also highlighted the need to strengthen party building and organizational work, promote high-quality development, and play a leading role in implementing the “eight-eight strategy” and promoting innovation, reform, and development.

The meeting further emphasized the importance of studying and implementing General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important thought on party building. It called for deepening the traceability of Xi Jinping’s new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics and promoting better understanding among party members and cadres.

The meeting also stressed the significance of benchmarking and table comparisons to promote the high-quality development of organizational work. It urged party members and leading cadres to firmly grasp the major tasks of improving the system of comprehensive and strict governance of the party. The meeting also highlighted the need to pursue excellence and continue to deepen the construction of model departments and excellent teams.

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The organization departments at all levels in the province were directed to adhere to the principle of prioritizing the party, its cause, and the interests of the people. They were urged to shoulder the responsibility of the important functional departments of the party and to treat and evaluate cadres fairly.

The meeting concluded by highlighting the importance of diligence, integrity, and pragmatism in the construction of party building and organizational work. It emphasized the need for continuous improvement and the pursuit of excellence in all aspects of the work.

The meeting of provincial party members and leading cadres in Zhejiang province was seen as a significant step in implementing General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions on party building and organizational work. It is expected that the discussions and decisions made during the meeting will contribute to the high-quality development of the province’s organizational work and strengthen the party’s commitment to serving the people and achieving its fundamental mission.

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