Home » Improving medical treatment capabilities in an all-round way to protect people’s lives, health and safety_China Jiangsu Net

Improving medical treatment capabilities in an all-round way to protect people’s lives, health and safety_China Jiangsu Net

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On the afternoon of December 21, Zhang Baojuan, secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, presided over a video conference on the medical treatment of the new crown pneumonia in the city, listened to the report on the city’s relevant situation, expressed condolences and thanks to the vast number of medical workers fighting on the front line of the epidemic, and further strengthened the medical treatment work in Yangzhou Conduct research deployment.

Zhang Baojuan pointed out that with the development and changes of the epidemic situation, the medical treatment work in Yangzhou is facing new challenges and pressures. The city’s medical and health system and the vast number of medical workers must conscientiously implement the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee, the State Council, the Provincial Party Committee, and the Provincial Government, adhere to the supremacy of the people and life, strengthen confidence, unite as one, grit the bullet, face difficulties, and firmly grasp In the critical window period before the peak of the epidemic infection, with a stronger will, a higher fighting spirit, and a more solid style of work, we will do our best to do a good job in key tasks such as the expansion of fever clinics, the establishment of sub-designated hospitals, the reserve of critically ill resources, and medical treatment in rural areas. , improve medical treatment capabilities in an all-round way, resolutely protect the life safety and health of the people, and ensure that the adjustment and transition of epidemic prevention and control measures are smooth and orderly.

Zhang Baojuan emphasized that we must make every effort to improve the diagnosis and treatment capabilities of fever clinics. It is necessary to speed up the expansion and transformation of fever clinics, and expand the capacity of fever clinics in existing hospitals in accordance with relevant requirements to ensure that they should be set up and opened as much as possible; the setting of fever clinics should be optimized, and fever clinics and pediatric clinics should be set up in hospital outpatient areas according to regulations. To meet the medical needs of citizens; to add regional fever clinics, transform qualified grassroots medical institutions into regional fever clinics, rationally deploy medical resources, and ease the pressure on secondary and tertiary medical institutions; explore the establishment of convenient clinics, with drugs Retail chain stores serve as service outlets, deploying doctors to carry out diagnosis and treatment services. While guiding citizens to purchase medicines scientifically, they can effectively divert patients with fever. Efforts should be made to improve the treatment capabilities of sub-designated hospitals. It is necessary to promptly upgrade and transform the square cabin hospital into a sub-designated hospital, complete the allocation of intensive care beds and related equipment according to the standard, and serve as a buffer zone for the community and designated hospitals; strengthen health guidance for home treatment personnel, and give full play to family doctors in communities and grassroots medical institutions To do a good job in symptomatic treatment, medication guidance and follow-up services; it is necessary to form a hospital expert team, conduct regular dynamic assessments, smooth the referral channels between the community, sub-designated hospitals, and designated hospitals, and continuously improve the efficiency and continuity of medical services. It is necessary to make every effort to increase the reserve of critical care resources in tertiary hospitals. On the existing basis, we will speed up the expansion and reconstruction of critically ill beds, strengthen the allocation and training of professional medical personnel, ensure that the number of intensive care unit beds reaches the standard by the end of this month, and ensure that critically ill patients receive timely treatment. Efforts should be made to improve the medical treatment capacity in rural areas. It is necessary to play the role of grassroots organizations, consolidate the responsibilities of townships, village neighborhood committees, and village doctors, and do a good job in grid management, daily health monitoring, and itinerant inquiry of key populations; it is necessary to play the role of hierarchical diagnosis and treatment, specify specific responsible persons, and ensure timely identification of severe cases Patients should be referred for treatment; Internet hospitals should be used well, and 24-hour online cloud diagnosis and treatment should be fully promoted, so that the masses can obtain timely medical and drug guidance.

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Zhang Baojuan requested that care, care, protection and incentives for medical personnel should be comprehensively strengthened. It is necessary to actively expand and integrate medical and nursing forces, strengthen the overall planning and dispatch of medical and nursing forces in the city, and maintain the stability and continuous combat effectiveness of the team; it is necessary to strengthen the protection and incentives of medical personnel, increase the supply of medical supplies such as medical equipment and key drugs, and fully meet the needs of medical treatment. At the same time, it is necessary to effectively guarantee the remuneration and treatment of front-line medical personnel, and do a good job in logistics service guarantee, so that they can devote themselves to medical treatment without any worries. The Municipal Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters should strengthen overall planning and coordination, so that problems can be coordinated and resolved in a timely manner, work progress can be supervised and promoted, and care measures can be implemented and guaranteed, and go all out to protect health and prevent severe illnesses, so as to ensure a smooth transition and social order stability.

Zhang Changjin, Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Director of the Propaganda Department, and Zhao Qinghong, Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Secretary-General and Deputy Mayor, attended the meeting.

On the afternoon of December 21, Zhang Baojuan, secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, presided over a video conference on the medical treatment of the new crown pneumonia in the city, listened to the report on the city’s relevant situation, expressed condolences and thanks to the vast number of medical workers fighting on the front line of the epidemic, and further strengthened the medical treatment work in Yangzhou Conduct research deployment.

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On the afternoon of December 21, Zhang Baojuan, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, presided over the city’s new crown pneumonia…

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