Home » In 2028, 100% of Colombians will have access to 5G technology

In 2028, 100% of Colombians will have access to 5G technology

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In 2028, 100% of Colombians will have access to 5G technology

Colombia is about to take an important leap in the technological field with the recent arrival of the 5G network to the country. This advance represents a revolution in telecommunications, promising connection speeds, greater network capacity and a wide range of innovative applications that can be transferred even to the business field: “This is news that has been expected for a long time by all technological operators and by all those who have any relationship with telecommunications. Basically, because Colombia has a lag of about five years in 5G networks,” said, first, Jonathan George, an expert in technology and electronic commerce.

After the 5G auction carried out by the Ministry of ICT, it was announced that the winner of the tender was a Brazilian company, known as Telecall. With more than two decades of experience, the company provides a wide range of communication solutions, including internet and fixed and mobile telephone services. Likewise, it was determined that starting in February, operators such as Claro, WOM and the temporary union of Movistar-Tigo and Telecall will begin the deployment of this technology throughout the country.

“Although it was assigned on December 20, it is not that we will automatically have 5G because that requires large investments in infrastructure. These investments are going to be made by private operators, in this case, those who participated in the tender: the Tigo-Movistar alliance, of course, obviously, and there is a new one in the sector that I find interesting, which is Brazilian and is just going to start. to operate in Colombia and is already assigned to be able to offer 5G.”

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Additionally, George shared that an investment will also have to be made in equipment for 5G to work correctly: “Not all of the equipment we currently have works on this 5G network, but they will arrive from 2024-2025. The latest generation, especially the iPhone, already come with 5G technology and some high-end Android, but it has to be massified, that is, we are going to have 5G devices in both high-end, mid-range and low-end,” concluded the expert.


Chile, Uruguay and Brazil are the only Latin American countries that offer this network.

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