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Increase transportation efforts and strengthen price supervision (effectively coordinate epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development)-Domestic News-Jellyfish Net

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Increase transportation efforts and strengthen price supervision (effectively coordinating epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development)

Newspaper, Xining, November 19th (Reporters He Yong, Jiang Feng) The reporter learned from the Xining New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters in Qinghai Province: Xining insists on accurate research and judgment, scientific organization, and fully strengthens the work of people’s livelihood service guarantee. With the gradual resumption of operations of supply guarantee entities that meet the opening conditions and the orderly opening of various market operators, the city’s daily necessities market is currently well supplied and operating in an orderly manner, commodity prices have become more stable, and production and living order has gradually returned to normal.

In order to ensure the market supply of important people’s livelihood commodities, Xining City has increased its efforts in the transportation of vegetables to supplement the source supply of vegetables. As of the 17th, the city’s vegetable inventory was more than 730 tons, 48 ​​tons of eggs, more than 300 tons of pork, more than 100 tons of beef, more than 300 tons of mutton, nearly 5,000 tons of rice and noodles, and more than 1,400 tons of edible oil, which can effectively meet the daily necessities of citizens demand.

Judging from the price monitoring of key supermarkets and farmers’ markets that have been opened in an orderly manner since November 3, commodity prices have shown a stabilization trend. At the same time, Xining promptly launched the linkage mechanism between social assistance and security standards and price rises, and issued a temporary price subsidy of 1.348 million yuan to ensure the basic livelihood of the poor during the epidemic.

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Market supervision departments at all levels in Xining City continue to strengthen the price supervision of important livelihood commodities. As of now, a total of 7,317 law enforcement inspectors have been dispatched to inspect 17,078 business entities such as farmers’ markets, supermarkets, convenience stores, and pharmacies, and 15 cases of price violations have been investigated and dealt with. At the same time, the Xining City Market Supervision Bureau set up five law enforcement inspection teams to strengthen the supervision and inspection of the vegetable distribution points in the main urban area, and checked and dealt with 505 problem clues such as the price and quality of vegetable packages reported by citizens.

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