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“Infernal temperatures Taking into account rights to have more quality”

by admin


Complaints about the infernal temperatures inside the workshops also come from the hot forging companies of the Alto Canavese which, between price increases and inflation, try to save on the installation of systems to cool employees, but also on other aspects of life professional. And often, those who complain have to implicitly choose whether to keep their job or seek better conditions. To underline the difficulties encountered by millers and forgers are the workers themselves, while the unions, in the light of the new law that provides for the redundancy payment if the temperatures in the workplace exceed 35 degrees, confirm the surge in reports. “We are hiding behind the crisis and Covid in order not to meet the needs of employees. The typical phrase we hear from directors and owners is “This is not the time …”, but we must not forget that we also have rights – comment some workers in hot forging. – It is increasingly common to see colleagues who take advantage of the mutual because the temperatures in the factory are close to 40 degrees. Working becomes difficult when you do not get to real illnesses due to heat and heat stroke. Those who can look for another job, where conditions are better and employees’ rights are respected. There are companies where supplies of replacement T-shirts have decreased, for example, and others where you save on cleaning. But if employees are not respected and valued, how can they be expected to work well under certain conditions? We need to focus on quality and realize that workers are the added value of a company, not just a number ».

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The problem is often the mentality: “Workers must have confidence in the company and be able to ask without fear of repercussions and at the same time large companies must invest in the well-being of their employees, because the quality of the tasks performed depends above all on the conditions in which you work “. –


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