Home » INTERPOL will not locate or capture Cristiani for political persecution

INTERPOL will not locate or capture Cristiani for political persecution

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INTERPOL will not locate or capture Cristiani for political persecution

After the disclosure by the Attorney General of the Republic, Rodolfo Delgado, that the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) refuses to locate the whereabouts of former President Alfredo Cristiani, the Digital News Agency (ADN) managed to interview an official of the International Police and confirmed that there is not, nor will there be, “red diffusion” against the former Salvadoran president.

Delgado reported in a televised interview that the Salvadoran authorities had notified INTERPOL to intercede with the location of Cristiani, and that INTERPOL refused to do so, since the investigations against the former president have political implications.

Delgado assured that “In some of these investigations they have pointed out that they are political cases, but in reality they are investigations of a technical, legal nature (…) The problem is that there are political actors, the defendants are politicians, or at the time they carried out the facts were political.

However, the source at INTERPOL, at the headquarters in Lyon, France, assures that former President Alfredo Félix Cristiani Burkard was investigated and cleared of charges for any crime by the Salvadoran judicial system, the United Nations, the Royal Court of Spain and all international legal action that has found out if Cristiani had anything to do with crimes against humanity.

On the other hand, according to the source, the Salvadoran Attorney General’s Office has not even filed corruption charges in any court in the Central American country against Cristiani, so it cannot request police prosecution against the former president.

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According to Delgado, the Public Ministry has delivered the necessary material to the International Police so that Cristiani can be located, but the International Police have made “subjective assessments.”

INTERPOL has historically enjoyed a reputation for being a tool to prosecute criminals, but in this case it would be a political persecution used in a pre-election propaganda strategy in El Salvador.

The FGR presented on June 5, an Indictment Report against the defendants in the murder of the Jesuits.

Among the accusations, that of ex-president Alfredo Cristiani stands out, as the intellectual author of the death of the religious, a collaborator and her daughter, however, according to international law, no one can be tried twice for the same crime.

The alleged prosecutor’s investigation in the case has determined that former President Cristiani and Father Ignacio Ellacuría, rector of the UCA at the time, had several phone calls prior to the massacre, without knowing what or what they had talked about.

The Public Ministry claims to have more than 20 alleged witnesses, without knowing what the facts are.

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