Home » Israeli army withdraws 5 brigades from Gaza… “Preparing for a long-term war”[이-팔 전쟁] :: Empathy Media Newsis News Agency ::

Israeli army withdraws 5 brigades from Gaza… “Preparing for a long-term war”[이-팔 전쟁] :: Empathy Media Newsis News Agency ::

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Israeli army withdraws 5 brigades from Gaza…  “Preparing for a long-term war”[이-팔 전쟁] :: Empathy Media Newsis News Agency ::

Maintaining stable ground control in Gaza… “War continues in 2024”

[에레즈=AP/뉴시스] Israeli soldiers are exiting a tunnel discovered near the Erez border checkpoint in the northern Gaza Strip on the 15th of last month (local time). 2024.01.01.

[서울=뉴시스] Reporter Hyewon Lee = The Israeli military has withdrawn five brigades as it maintains stable ground control in the Gaza Strip.

According to the Times of Israel on the 31st (local time), the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) announced that it had withdrawn five brigades from the front lines in the Gaza Strip.

The brigade, which was in charge of soldier training, will return to its daily activities, and reservists will be demobilized to help restore Israel’s economy.

Currently, in the Gaza Strip, the 162nd Division is fighting Hamas in the northern Gaza City area, and the 36th Division is fighting Hamas in the center. The 98th, 99th and Gaza Divisions are operating in the southern Khan Yunis region.

The IDF said that the number of rockets launched by Hamas from the Gaza Strip has decreased significantly and that it is preparing for a long-term war by adjusting its forces. According to IDF data, the number of rockets launched by Hamas decreased from an average of 75 per day in the first week of December to 14 last week.

IDF spokesman Daniel Hagari said, “We are adjusting the fighting methods appropriate for each region of the Gaza Strip and the forces needed to carry out the mission in the best possible way. Each region has different characteristics and the forces needed for operations are also different.” .

He went on to say, “To achieve the war goals, a long-term battle is necessary, and we are prepared accordingly,” adding that the war will continue in 2024.

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By managing the military “smartly,” he explained, reservists would return home to help the economy recover and standing troops would be trained to become commanders.

“These adjustments are intended to ensure planning and preparation for 2024,” Hagari said. “We must plan ahead for additional missions and ongoing combat throughout the year.”

◎ Sympathetic media Newsis [email protected]

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