Home » Kyami Martin presents her new song: “Night 100”

Kyami Martin presents her new song: “Night 100”

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Kyami Martin presents her new song: “Night 100”

The artist began his musical career professionally in the first half of 2023, at the young age of 15, although it should be noted that he has always demonstrated his skills for art in general, as he is not only a musician, but is also working as a filmmaker, he is certified by the University of Fine Arts as an illustrator, he is working on his first book as a writer, he has worked as a screenwriter on various projects, he is beginning his career as an actor and is a great composer who has worked on various themes for other artists apart from those of yours.

Kyami Martin is not a young man who has had it easy, because since he was very young he has had a disease that has not allowed him to develop his body 100% (pituitary hormone deficiency), making him unable to have the height he should have, because his lower limbs did not develop well.

When he was little, he was diagnosed with overweight and short stature, which meant that he did not have it at all easy in school and in his daily life, since bullying became very frequent in his life, until after much effort he managed to overcome the obstacles along the way, leaving only his short stature.

Fortunately for him, he always had the support of his mother to bring out his artistic career, she was the one who supported and inspired Kyami Martin to continue with his career, no matter how difficult it was.

The artist has worked hard with “Noche 100” to be able to offer a quality piece of music that everyone who listens to it likes.

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Kyami Martin is available for interviews and live performances to promote and talk about her new single. To schedule an interview or get more information about his media tour, please contact his PR team at [email protected].


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