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Letter to the ucevistas that can be read by those who are not

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Letter to the ucevistas that can be read by those who are not

The ingratitude It is the greatest crime that men can dare to commit.«. simon Bolívar.

A few years ago my fraternal friend and compadre Gustavo Tarre Briceño wrote an essay in epistolary form, addressed to his co-religionists, in terms of supportive reflection, frank and sincere as he himself is. He did not seek to please but rather to share thoughts and reasons for, as another great among the greats would say and I paraphrase it, José Rodríguez Iturbe, “assume that they constituted a community of spirits that had to act, with a spirit of community.”

After the first phase of the UCV election process, grateful for the support received from our quartet, Activated by the U, aspiring to take over as authorities of the university and after fifteen years of waiting, I will make a few quick considerations that it is necessary to know and meditate for the next phase and, above all, once the laurel is finalized, to carry out our program that, by the way, can and should be consulted on our website, www.activadosporlau.org.

The changes bring with them and their birth resistances of various kinds. Let us begin by noting that the advent of other authorities and another command to the UCV triggered the fears of some and the bitterness of others, which do not cease to contradict the natural gestures of sovereignty that, as is well known, manifested itself with conviction and forcefulness towards the candidacies of Activados por la U, headed by Humberto Rojas as rector and Boadas, Aristimuño and this server as team and vice-chancellors and secretariat.

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The demonic power, as Loewenstein calls it, launched a more than dirty, disgusting campaign, calling into question Rojas’s status as a citizen in opposition which, of course, provoked a reaction of truth in the face of lies. Other factors linked to the facts presented with misrepresentations and biases were expressed, I would say the true university, rescuing him and even not being supporters of Rojas but of the other candidate for the rectory. Honor honored them.

Overcoming this episode, behind the noise and the pretense of offending and muddying, there is a performance of the groups that fight to remain in the leadership spaces and desperately avoid the inevitable, because the Ucevista university citizenship already manifested itself with conviction and forcefulness.

The Ucevista electoral system, however, calls for a second round in which those who voted the most on June 9 are chosen and which will take place, if provided by providence, on June 30 of the coming year. The losers, in that consultation, tend to seek alliances and struggle to put together a front and dominate the one who beat them all.

At the same time, another situation can be seen. The aforementioned coalitions also try to prevent one of the formulas presented “from the beginning” as a team, which achieves victory as such, manages to reach the positions of rector, vice rectors and secretary. Things get confused at that point.

It is therefore complex to complete the journey and for this reason it has been rare to arrive as a homogeneous and coherent group to be and make a program consistent with the program presented in the electoral campaign.

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Democracy sometimes has ways of exercising that compromise it in its essentials. A ballotage is not the same as a process of compromises and compromises that ultimately compromise or pervert the genuine results of the elections. But those are the current rules of the ucevista electoral game and everyone should become aware to opt for what suits our alma mater.

It will now be a question, dear recipients of these letters, of briefly reiterating a diagnosis of the pathologies that, like the country, the UCV suffers and, also, in capsules, announcing the twists, reorientations and changes of direction that will be made, God willing, at the conclusion of the electoral process and formally the transfer of commands to those who have the support and confidence of the ucevistas. Activated by the U, I repeat, they won the first stage and if the Ucevista citizenship is coherent, they will do it again.

Next week we will address the sequence that is announced to be essential to make the effort worthwhile and that I summarize in one sentence: strategic change to create a future that today does not have the exhausted and at times hypoxic house that the shadow must overcome.

[email protected]


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