Home » Literature: the collection of poetry “NGALAKA la belgicaine” on the baptismal font – Capsud.net

Literature: the collection of poetry “NGALAKA la belgicaine” on the baptismal font – Capsud.net

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Literature: the collection of poetry “NGALAKA la belgicaine” on the baptismal font – Capsud.net

The poetic collection of the writer Élodie Gieskes called “NGALAKA the Belgian, life is not a quiet poetry” was baptized yesterday. This literary activity took place at the Center culturel Wallonie Bruxelles in Kinshasa.

In her speech, the author thanked Professor JM for his review. But also to the public for having responded to the invitation.

« I’ll start by saying: This is Wow! I did not expect a very interesting recession. The teacher read my collection from beginning to end. What he did allowed me to discover even new things that enriched me. Anyway thank you very much !” , did she say.

Addressing the public, Élodie Gieskes, after thanking her, invited the latter to read the book. And to young people to embark on this adventure of writing as soon as possible.

« Writing is a very interesting adventure. I invite young people to get involved. Don’t wait until you’re 60 or 70 to get started“, she let know.


What you need to know about the book

After the opening word, the writer briefly gave the essential message of her poetic collection.

« This collection of poetry reviews the states of mind (…) Between love and sadness, between revolt, admiration and homage, between nostalgia and melancholy, his words put his emotions back in place, These define by the writes its past and its present while leaving several openings to the future« .

And to continue:

« This collection explores a Life, real and fictional. Ngalaka the Belgian with a poetic soul, she is a woman of convictions and contradictions, who regrets nothing and who knows that a single smile can save a life.« .

Note that NGALAKA la belgicaine, la vie n’est pas une calme poetry is published by Editions du Net.

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Emongo Gerome

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