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Living Arts to commemorate diversity

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Living Arts to commemorate diversity

In an interview with ‘El Diario’, Juana Valencia, director of the ‘Uroboros Artes Vivas’ project, shared information about the new season.

The month of June is important because from the creative places proposals are made that make signs that commemorate the historic struggle that took place at the end of the 60s from the LGBTIQ + movement and that has allowed the members of this community to be recognized as subjects of rights.

Jose Manuel Freidel, the inspiration

Jose Manuel Freidel, was a prolific creator assassinated at the age of 39 in the city of Medellín, although it cannot be confirmed that his life was taken due to his writings, there are those who affirm that this was one of the main causes, because while the theatrical movement of Colombia at that time, made up of groups like ‘La Candelaria’, had been addressing political and social problems, making references to society with a very marked aesthetic. Freidel from the other shore in Medellín reliving everything that had happened with the displacement from Oriente Antioqueño and that he also lived in his own flesh with his family belonging to Santa Bárbara. For this reason, the dramaturgies of this creator move between the problems that occur in the displacement from rural to urban areas and that has led to the violence that was experienced at that time and that we continue to experience. And in these cordons of misery he found characters like the transvestite, the sex worker, the drunkard, the street dweller, the thief and all the characters that many see as a social parasite, but he vindicated them by giving them a voice and making them understand that the final situations of these characters were the product of a governmentality that did not support or protect these people.

Living Arts Season

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As a result of the collective work between the ‘Uroboros Arte Vivas’ project and ‘ALTHouse’, this new chapter takes up the work of Jose Manuel Freidel, Colombian playwright and interdisciplinary artist who gave the first stitches to the living arts.
On Thursday, June 22 at 7:30 p.m. at the ‘Dichosos los ojos’ cultural house located on 24th and sixth street, they will have an open and free dialogue space with the artist ‘Altocalifilico’ and Juana Valencia, around Jose Manuel Freidel, his creation processes, the concept of the laboratory and the work with other creators to integrate multiple languages.

In ‘El Tablado’, the new dance and theater hall of the Danzarte Foundation in the Popular Modelo neighborhood, carrera 11 bis number 1 -51 around the corner from La Rebeca park, the season will begin.

On Saturday, June 24 at 7:30 pm, the play ‘Hay Días Chiqui’ will be presented, a monologue that they have been performing for 10 years with the artist ‘Altocalifilico’ who is the director and actor. This work narrates the life of a transvestite that tells her problems around love, death and life at different stages of her. The aesthetics of the work is a gothic and punk construction whose soundtrack is ‘Paralisis Permanente’ Spanish bands from the 70s.

On Sunday June 25 at 7:00 pm it will be the turn to appreciate “Las Burguesas de la Calle Menor”, the story of ‘Valeriana and Tristeza Uribe’, a couple of women who had a lot of money but due to different events in the country must leave their shine behind to move to the minor street where they end up on the street.

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