Home » Lottery dedicates raffle to the 15th anniversary of the Salvadoran Institute for Teacher Welfare

Lottery dedicates raffle to the 15th anniversary of the Salvadoran Institute for Teacher Welfare

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Lottery dedicates raffle to the 15th anniversary of the Salvadoran Institute for Teacher Welfare

The event took place in the National Lottery Multiple Use Room, and began at 1:00 pm, with the words of Hector Aguiar, general manager of the Lottery.

“This Wednesday we are pleased to celebrate this raffle for the Salvadoran Institute for Teacher Well-being, an institution that for 15 years has worked hard to improve the quality of life and well-being of public servant teachers. Since its founding, the ISBM has been an unconditional ally of public sector educators in our country, providing a wide variety of services and benefits for them and their beneficiaries,” said Aguiar.

The Salvadoran Institute for Teacher Welfare as an autonomous institution of the State, its main mission is to guarantee the well-being of its affiliates, bearing in mind how important the educational sector is in the progress of the country, therefore, they constantly work on improving the services that offer to this sector.

The authorities called on those who are not yet registered to do so, so that their families can receive all the benefits that the institution offers; Because by mandate of President Nayib Bukele, all institutions must work for the well-being of Salvadorans, with the purpose of building a more just and equitable society, in which everyone has the same opportunities.

And as part of the tribute to its anniversary this week, thousands of twentieths with a design alluding to the institution circulated throughout the country.

Among the grand prizes in this drawing were the third for $10,000, the second for $20,000 and the first grand prize pool for $410,000.

Through the purchase of LOTRA, LOTÍN and DALE, the Lottery continues to develop its Juntos Hacemos Beneficencia program, with which they help the most vulnerable sectors of El Salvador.

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