Home » May the essential objective of the Ruta del Sol prevail in Cesar

May the essential objective of the Ruta del Sol prevail in Cesar

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May the essential objective of the Ruta del Sol prevail in Cesar

One of the main purposes, perhaps the primary objective, of the Ruta del Sol project, section three, in the department of Cesar, is to promote its economic development and improve connectivity in the region.

That is the ideal and that is why the national government implemented this initiative, which promised or promises to be an engine of progress for the area. We are talking about a mega-project and as such its impact on the progress of our Cesar territory, especially its capital Valledupar, must be, therefore, it deserves all our attention and support.

However, in addition to the various inconveniences of the work and which are widely known to the public, different critical points have been recorded in some localities of Cesar, things that may seem like minor details, but which greatly affect the populations around the work such as Valencia de Jesús, Mariangola, Bosconia, El Copey, among other sectors, where the community demands speed in solving the problems so that the work really boosts development and does not paralyze routine economic activities as in some cases has been happening.

EL PILÓN has been a permanent recipient of concerns and complaints from the affected communities, in addition to tours and field work for journalistic coverage. This is how, with knowledge of the facts, it has responded to this citizen clamor and this week it managed a technical work table with different departmental and local authorities so that the issue is analyzed and healthy solutions are sought for all before the national Government and with the other committed parties such as the concessionaire of the work, among others.

The issue is urgent because climatic effects derived from the El Niño phenomenon are imminent and for this we must be prepared as just announced by Ideam. Review the works of the variants, the hydraulic processes of dual carriageway, some relocations of families, effects due to improvised embankments, slowness of work in some sections, risk of flooding, are, among others, some of the main requests of our Cesar communities .

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Furthermore, road mobility in some sections is very deficient as a consequence of the delays in the works, which makes the productive dynamics in the region inefficient, which, as we already said, contrasts with the essential purpose of the project, which is to the connectivity and regional development that can be promoted by improving the road infrastructure in Cesar, connecting the Caribbean coast with the interior of the country. This project will not only shorten travel times, but will also facilitate the transportation of goods and people, stimulating trade and tourism in the region.

Without a doubt, overcoming all these impasses will result in economic opportunities for the entire network that constitutes the agricultural, livestock and mining production of Cesar, facilitating access to national and international markets. In addition to promoting investment in the department, generating employment and strengthening the local economy.

This being the case, small details cannot be allowed to cloud the great purposes of this mega-work. We will continue to pay attention to the responses expected by the communities that are currently being affected.

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