Home » Meloni government, the news of today 17 October after the elections. Berlusconi goes to Meloni to try for peace

Meloni government, the news of today 17 October after the elections. Berlusconi goes to Meloni to try for peace

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Meloni government, the news of today 17 October after the elections.  Berlusconi goes to Meloni to try for peace

Move on to the government. After Friday’s quarrel, Meloni and Berlusconi spoke on the phone: today the meeting will be held to try for peace. This time not at the Cavaliere in Villa Grande, but at the Fdi headquarters in Via della Scrofa. “They put their souls in peace, we will raise Italy”, had posted the premier in pectore. A thrust against the left for the “spurious attacks” on the new majority, but also a message: the government will do it in any case. Notice delivered by the bridges. Among them Gianni Letta, La Russa and Salvini. The League declares “extreme optimism” on the face to face. Licia Ronzulli also said from Fi: “The Ronzulli case no longer exists, Italy needs a government as soon as possible: the center-right united with the Colle will ask Meloni for the job.”

The background – Totoministri, towards the new government: Berlusconi forced to negotiate, Meloni now opens up on Justice
The premier in pectore – Nazi-fascism, the sentence of Meloni: “Vile and inhuman deportation”
The interview – Edith Bruck: “From Meloni empty words to legitimize themselves. If it is sincere, you erase the flame “
Ideas – Peace is not made with weapons

Updates of the day

7.41- Crosetto: «We need Berlusconi’s vision. I see no alternative to a center-right government “
The co-founder of Fratelli d’Italia Guido Crosetto understands the friction between Giorgia Meloni and Silvio Berlusconi but, a few hours after the meeting between the two leaders, he is confident. “Neither Silvio Berlusconi nor Giorgia Meloni really think of interrupting their work for the good of the country for personal reasons – he declares in an interview with Corriere -. Italy also comes before Giorgia’s legitimate irritation ». The president of Forza Italia «knows the needs and problems of the productive world like no one», reflects Crosetto, for whom Berlusconi «must be the bearer of the vision of this part of Italian society. We need his vision and experience of him ». On the rudeness of the non-vote of the Azzurri to Ignazio La Russa and on the leaflet full of criticism of Meloni, Crosetto dampens the controversy. “I think it is difficult for anyone to accept that they are no longer in the position of whoever gives the cards – he says -. It is for a normal person, let alone for someone like Berlusconi who has done extraordinary things, as leaders in every sector of their business ». With Meloni, “this government was born as a center-right government, made up of the forces that won the elections.” And therefore, says Crosetto, “I see no alternative to a center-right government”. As for the formation of the executive, the premier in pectore “must expect to have a team made up of the best possible profiles, which allow it to set up and implement the program and deal with emergencies”. And on the non-choice of Licia Ronzulli (FI), “a prime minister has the right to choose who he deems most suitable for each role”.

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