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Militarizing Buenaventura, an urgent task

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Militarizing Buenaventura, an urgent task

The message from Governor Clara Luz Roldan, who knows the situation in Buenaventura better than anyone, which she establishes as a starting point to solve the problem of structural violence, is harsh and forceful. She tells the governor that “Buenaventura must be militarized.” The text leaves no doubts, much less can it give rise to Byzantine discussions about whether there are other options to recompose the war that gangs belonging to organized crime are waging over the territory and that fight over the urban control, and the entire vast territory, with blood and fire. of the rural area and the estuaries that are the jewel in the crown, since they are the vehicle for the exit of drugs and the entry of weapons and military supplies, to wage the war that for many years has been their common denominator.

Buenaventura should have been militarized a long time ago. Her role on the circuit is a truth known throughout the country. Its importance in international trade is also important. Multiple projects of a social, philanthropic, and business nature have fallen on Buenaventura, all of them with the understanding that this violence linked to the spectrum of corruption in its public and private institutions can be solved through diplomas and programs so that people forget it and magically unlearn violence.

The dream of turning Buenaventura into a thriving port has been frustrated by the selfishness and smallness of Bogota’s centralism and in recent times by the empowerment that the Raizal communities have acquired, which have prevented the completion of the Cali highway at all costs. Bonaventure and Wolfwarrior. This circumstance is what for more than 70 years has prevented Buenaventura from ceasing to be a dock, to become a port like the Peruvians and Chileans.

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In these hours and in the face of the terrifying scene that television and social networks have covered, where hooded criminals boast of controlling neighborhoods and streets of the city, our public force is already on the front line, hopefully instrumentalizing the position of the governor to militarize.

Buenaventura is a city charged with extortion for more than 30 years. It could be said that it is a model for the rest of the cities in Colombia that struggle not to look like it. Drug trafficking in all its facets dominates and manages the legal and illegal economy of the port through different criminal expressions. Its role is that of a great regulator, so that the drug coming from the north of Cauca, from the jungles of Chocó, from the jungles of Naya finds in its criminal structures the passport to ship it and send it to all the ports of the world.

If Buenaventura does not submit to a militarization that defeats and subdues criminal gangs, what has happened to so many other ports will happen to it. It is time for the Governor to give up balls, it is time for the “pazologists” not to entangle the necessary militarization with dialogue tables, which lead to reissuing the lying peace signed by the “Shottas” and the “Spartans” , which was nothing more than a silence of the rifles to consolidate control over drugs and the territory. That the sophistry of “total peace” is not going to confuse the designs and the nature of what is happening and that Buenaventura ends up again in another experiment like that of the “Shottas” and the “Spartans”.


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