Most Germans see women as socially disadvantaged

According to the majority of Germans in this country, women are severely disadvantaged in key areas of life. When it comes to wages and salaries, three out of four women (77 percent), but also 59 percent of men, see the discrimination against women as strong or very strong, according to an ARD survey published in Cologne on Thursday for International Women’s Day on March 8th. The Infratest dimap institute surveyed 1,311 eligible voters by telephone and online for the ARD “Deutschlandtrend” from Monday to Wednesday of this week.

When it comes to security in old age, 71 percent of women and 60 percent of men describe women as severely or very severely disadvantaged. When it comes to caring for relatives, it is a good two-thirds (69 percent) of women and 54 percent of men. Six out of ten women also feel that they are severely or very severely disadvantaged when it comes to filling managerial positions (61 percent) and looking after children (60 percent). In these areas, 47 and 46 percent of men agree.

According to the survey, among the German parties, the Greens are most likely to look after the interests of women. A good one in four eligible voters (27 percent) mentions them when asked this question. It is followed by the SPD and the left with 10 percent each. Only 4 percent say this about the Union, 3 percent about the AfD and 1 percent about the FDP. A total of 44 percent did not want to answer this question or were of the opinion that no party in Germany took care of the interests of women. Half of the women interviewed said so.