Home » Musk warns that the prefix “cis” will be considered an insult on Twitter

Musk warns that the prefix “cis” will be considered an insult on Twitter

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Musk warns that the prefix “cis” will be considered an insult on Twitter

It all started when King assured that he would not pay for Twitter Blue. Now that the system was released to all users, Musk paid for the writer’s subscription and let him know on the platform.

New York, June 21 (EFE).- The prefix “cis”, which is usually applied to words such as “cisgender” and other similar ones to define people whose gender coincides with their biological sex at birth, is going to be considered ” an insult” on the Twitter network, as its owner, Elon Musk, has warned.

“The words ‘cis’ or ‘cisgender’ are considered insults on this platform,” Musk wrote last night in a tweet in which he spoke about another matter such as online harassment. The tweet already had 167,000 “likes” this morning.

A user took the opportunity to ask him what happened to people who voluntarily identify themselves like this, with the prefix “cis”, to which he replied: “You call yourself what you want.”

The prefix “cis” is one more example of the so-called inclusive language and is used mainly within the LGTBI community as a term that is politically correct.

In recent times, and particularly since his purchase of Twitter last November, Musk has established himself as a great adversary of what the conservative media define as “woke ideology”, consisting of taking into account gender and racial sensitivities in a diverse society.

Before landing on Twitter, Musk considered that the network was too leaning towards political correctness and that it exercised undue censorship against opposing speeches, railing against what he considered censorship exercises.

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Last week, and at an event organized by Viva Technology, He said it again: “I am a big fan of freedom of expression and we should enjoy it as much as possible, as much as the laws of a country allow. Free speech is relevant when people can say things you don’t like, otherwise that’s not free speech.” EFE



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