Home » Naked domestic worker, earns $300,000 per hour

Naked domestic worker, earns $300,000 per hour

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Naked domestic worker, earns $300,000 per hour

The story of a domestic worker who offers her home cleaning services naked has generated a stir on social media. Known as Lottie Rae, the woman charges 50 euros an hour for her particular work, which has revealed that her main clients are older men of great purchasing power.

The news, published by the British newspaper The Mirror, has generated surprise reactions and criticism on social networks, while other users have been curious and have expressed interest in hiring Lottie Rae.

According to the publication, the domestic worker began offering her services naked in October 2017, after selling second-hand clothes. Since then, she has posted about her adventures on her Instagram account @musings_from_a_naked_cleaner, where she shares images of her work and her lifestyle.

According to Lottie Rae, some clients strip with her during the cleaning, while others stay in their clothes at first until they feel more comfortable. The domestic employee has also revealed that she has received proposals to engage in sexual activities, which she has rejected.

However, beyond the controversy that his work has generated, there are those who have questioned the legality and ethics of his work. In many countries, prostitution is illegal and offering sexual services for money can be considered a crime. On the other hand, some have pointed out that Lottie Rae’s work perpetuates the idea that women can be the object of sexual desire and therefore exploited for economic gain.

In any case, Lottie Rae’s work has generated interest and debate on social media and has brought an unusual way of making a living into the public eye.

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